Who We Are
Dedicated to Exceptional
Peter Jones first started traveling while attending university in England. He found travel energizing—seeing new places and meeting new people allowed him to understand his own life differently.
This passion for travel led him to work as a tour manager for an educational travel company. Peter spent two summers leading American students throughout Europe—showing them new places, introducing them to new people and sharing his love for travel.
After working for an educational travel company in the U.S. for a few years, Peter became determined to establish the premier educational travel company in the industry. In 1978, he founded ACIS with a few colleagues, who all believed that travel changes lives.
Knowing the important difference between a trip that’s mediocre and one that’s extraordinary, he built ACIS from a deep belief and understanding that ACIS group leaders and participants deserve the best—from itinerary development to hotels to perhaps most importantly, the people hired to guide teachers and students throughout the journey.

Meet Our Team
Exceptional programs need exceptional people.
The average ACIS employee is far from average. Without our caring, smart and (frankly) super fun team, we wouldn’t be who we are.
have been at ACIS for 10 or more years
of our team has studied abroad
speak 2 or more languages
have been to thirty or more countries!
What We're Saying
Our team is proud to help further the mission to change lives through travel.
And once you get one of us talking about why we love our company, our group leaders, and their students—you’ll see why! Here are just some of the ways we describe ACIS.
Get to know the our team better on the ACIS Blog.

We’re Passionate Travelers
We’ve been to all 50 states and over 120 countries, and we’re not done yet!
Local Representatives
Fellow teachers and group leaders eager to help
We’re your mentors, your cheerleaders and your assistants. Here are some of the things Academic Travel Advisors do to help you lead your tour:
- Co-lead your parent meeting
- Attend your school board meeting
- Guide you through all pre-trip paperwork and best practices
- See you off at the airport and steer you through check-in
- Brainstorm recruitment ideas unique to your school and area

Tour Managers
Your guides on the road
Your ACIS Tour Manager is the key to unlocking a whole new world for you and your group. Part guide, part educator, part engineer, part mind-reader, part magician—ACIS Tour Managers know their stuff. But more importantly, they know teachers and students. They keep students engaged, teachers relaxed and the whole group excited to see what will happen next.