Traveling with Us
Forget the Everyday.
Discover the World!
Ready for adventure? Great! Because it’s on the itinerary. You’ll be breathing the air and seeing the sights of places you’ve only ever known through a computer screen. You’ll have incredible stories to tell when you return, but what exactly can you expect from your trip?
Explore with friends. Grow. Have a blast!
On your trip, you’ll take chances, gain confidence and discover how you fit into the world. Your trip will change you in ways you might not expect, as you navigate new cities, order food in a foreign language and experience how people around the world live their daily lives. You’ll also have the time of your life exploring with friends—whether you’re on a gondola in Venice gliding through centuries-old canals or participating in a Shakespearean workshop at the Globe Theatre in London. Travel changes lives. Discover how it will change you!

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Scholarships and Fundraising
If you want to travel with ACIS, then we want to help make it happen! Learn about our Travel Scholarships and creative ways to raise money for your trip.
Scholarships and FundraisingGet bonus points!
Academic Credit
Get a head start on your future by receiving academic credit for your trip. Simply talk to your high school, or submit a proposal with California State University, Sacramento, where you can get credit for every week traveled with ACIS.
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