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Author: Sarah Bichsel posts

Author: Sarah Bichsel posts

Top 10 Tips for ACIS Group Leaders

Over the course of 45 years, we have sent thousands of teachers abroad with students, and though every ACIS Educational Tour is unique, the most...
January 3, 2024 Sarah Bichsel

4 LinkedIn Resources for Educators

We swear this is not a sponsored post! At its heart, our team is committed not only to supporting teachers who travel but teachers in...
September 12, 2023 Sarah Bichsel

Planning an Educational Tour 101

Ever see a photo of a school group tour abroad and did they make that happen? It comes up more often than you might...
September 21, 2023 Sarah Bichsel

ACIS Staff Spotlight: Meet Scott

1. Tell us about yourself! What's your role at ACIS?   Eighteen years teaching History in North Texas ignited my love for culture and travel. These...
August 30, 2023 Sarah Bichsel

ACIS Staff Spotlight: Meet Bridget

ACIS team member Bridget works with new educators experiencing ACIS for the first time. Get to know her and learn how we build teacher travel...
August 16, 2023 Sarah Bichsel

ACIS Summer 2023 Travel Review

Summer 2023 was an absolute blast: It was wonderful having travel back in full swing around the world and seeing lives change in real time....
August 22, 2023 Sarah Bichsel
Featured Post Teachers in Their Own Words Everyone at ACIS is passionate about educational travel and could give you an overflowing list... Sarah Bichsel