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Author: Marc Amigone posts

Author: Marc Amigone posts

20 Products to Sell For Your Next Fundraiser

Every educational travel program could always benefit from fundraising. Traveling internationally can be an expensive proposition, and reducing the burden on families by raising money...
October 7, 2016 Marc Amigone

The 2016 Service Learning Video Contest Winner

Every year, students travel all over the world on ACIS service learning trips. This summer, we held a contest offering each group undertaking a service...
September 28, 2016 Marc Amigone

The ACIS Guide to Fundraising

When it comes to educational travel, the one challenge that teachers face time and again in promoting travel opportunities to students and their families is...
September 13, 2016 Marc Amigone

Irish Stew – Recipe of the Week

This week's recipe takes us to Ireland for a hearty, delicious, Irish Stew. Stews have been part of Irish culinary tradition for hundreds of years...
September 7, 2016 Marc Amigone

5 Myths and Misconceptions about Ancient Rome

There are few ancient civilizations that captivate our imaginations more than ancient Rome. Perhaps it's because we can visit modern Rome and observe artifacts of...
September 9, 2016 Marc Amigone
Featured Post Teachers in Their Own Words Everyone at ACIS is passionate about educational travel and could give you an overflowing list... Sarah Bichsel
Featured Post Teachers in Their Own Words Everyone at ACIS is passionate about educational travel and could give you an overflowing list... Sarah Bichsel

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