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Jenna F. of Lumberton, New Jersey, traveled to Spain with ACIS this past April. Instead of going our usual interview route, she offered the very...
Everyone at ACIS is passionate about educational travel and could give you an overflowing list of reasons why teachers should pursue it, but sometimes, it's...
Every year, we make tweaks to the ACIS itinerary offerings, but the most exciting time is when we have a brand new destination to
You're walking through the streets of Florence, packed with tourists and vendors and locals alike. As you follow your tour guide, leading a dozen or...
Warning: you may want to read these chilling tales with the lights on! The Return It was nearing night in Rome. Lydia’s group walked in...
We like to tell parents and students that student travel means much more than going on a week-long trip: It is an investment in the...
Amsterdam is often referred to as the Venice of the north. But Amsterdam has over 160 canals spanning around 75km, which in fact represents twice...
Choosing the right college essay topic has essentially become a rite of passage for senior year. Do you write about your hobbies? Your summer internship?...
ACIS Tour Manager Lucy Ryan shares some of the ways travel has positively impacted her point of view and those of the students she brings abroad....
What students get out of an educational tour can be immediately apparent - the pictures of ancient ruins, the newly absorbed factoids, the delicately-crafted souvenirs...
Teachers in Their Own Words
Everyone at ACIS is passionate about educational travel and could give you an overflowing list...
Sarah Bichsel
Tag: travel changes lives posts
Tag: travel changes lives posts
Teachers in Their Own Words
New ACIS Destination: Taiwan
The ACIS Difference: Headsets on Demand
Scary Stories From Other Educational Travel Companies
Student Travel Success Story: Beth Pfohl, 2014
Amsterdam’s Canals: Past, Present and Future
How to Use Your ACIS Travel Experience in Your College Essay
Moments Over Monuments: A Tour Manager’s Reflections on How Travel Changes Lives
A World of Possibilities: How Educational Travel Impacts Student Futures
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