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Tag: history posts

7 Fun Facts About Florence

Florence is over 2,000 years old, meaning that there is so much history packed into the streets, the city is essentially a walkable museum. Before...
July 2, 2024 Sofia Collina

Happy 60th Anniversary AIFS!

We're proud to be a subdivision of the American Institute for Foreign Study (AIFS). Founded in 1964 by Sir Cyril Taylor as part of the...
April 16, 2024 Sarah Bichsel

The Power of People

From personal experience, I know that it’s terribly hard for children, and even adults sometimes, to grasp the concept of the Holocaust. When I was...
January 21, 2021 Beth Pfohl

Secrets of the Parthenon

Sitting atop a sacred citadel, the Parthenon in Athens is a symbol of both classical art and political power. Its perfect forms have been imitated...
January 2, 2020 Una Dimitrijevic

6 Great Escapes From the Berlin Wall

This Saturday, November 9th, marks 30 years since the fall of the infamous Berlin Wall, a structure which only stood for 28 years but left...
November 7, 2019 Una Dimitrijevic

5 International Origins of Santa Claus

When you hear Santa Claus, your mind probably jumps to a jolly old man with a white trimmed suit and a beard to match. This...
December 6, 2018 Sarah Bichsel
Featured Post Teachers in Their Own Words Everyone at ACIS is passionate about educational travel and could give you an overflowing list... Sarah Bichsel