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Earning money for your ACIS trip just became a whole lot simpler! All students traveling in 2019 or later now have access to a Personal Fundraising...
You’ve picked an ACIS itinerary, talked with your tour consultant and are eager to sign up students for the trip of a lifetime. Now it's...
Traveling Next Year? Save Up This Summer! If you're traveling on an ACIS educational tour in the next year, there is no time like the...
By Beth Marshall, Academic Travel Adviser and ACIS group leader since 1995 - trip #15 under her belt and counting! As I reflect on the...
When grant money for the diversification of educational experiences came through for Katherine’s class that would allow them to travel to D.C., she turned to...
Andrew K. coordinates global trips for his school in Massachusetts and recently discovered the benefits of ACIS Exchange Plus offerings, which enhance a school's international...
Imagine you’re at a car dealership. Your vehicle is on its last wheels, and the time has come to invest in a new one. You...
Does the prospect of planning an educational tour can seem overwhelming to you? We get it—you're a busy teacher, not a sales person or a travel...
You understand the immense value of educational student tours and gaining global experience—that’s why you’re planning a trip. Whether or not your district requires formal...
If a picture is worth a thousand words, where does an infographic fit on that scale? In talking with teachers who haven't yet traveled with...
Teachers in Their Own Words
Everyone at ACIS is passionate about educational travel and could give you an overflowing list...
Sarah Bichsel
Tag: Getting Started posts
Tag: Getting Started posts
10 Tips for Planning Your Recruitment Meeting
Fundraising Tips For Your School Trip
6 Ways to Engage Students Before, During and After Your School Trip
Teacher Spotlight: How Katherine B. Leveraged Educational Grants to Bring Her Students to D.C.
The Pluses of ACIS Exchange Plus
5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Choosing an Educational Travel Company
Your ACIS Travel Toolkit: How to Make Planning a Student Trip a Breeze
Planning Student Tours | Gain School Board Approval
What is an Exceptional Travel Experience Worth to You?
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