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Category: Pre-Trip Planning: Students posts

Category: Pre-Trip Planning: Students posts

Dining Out in France: A Few Quick Tips

Every travel experience offers the opportunity to try some delicious new foods, which means you will likely find yourself navigating culinary customs different than your...
May 28, 2019 Sarah Bichsel

What to Wear: Winter Travel in Italy

We're big believers in being prepared travelers and packing light, but just because your travel gear is functional doesn't mean you can't be stylish! Your...
October 9, 2014 Cara Marzilli

Confessions of an Over Packer

Hi I’m Cara, and I have an over packing problem. It all started innocently enough: when visiting my parents I’d lug along a carry-on bag...
August 5, 2014 Cara Marzilli

Student Travel Tips – The Art of Packing

Throughout the annals of epic adventuring, it’s the same story—think Marco Polo before heading off on the Silk Road to China; Captain Cook before his...
January 31, 2013 Chris Relton
Featured Post Teachers in Their Own Words Everyone at ACIS is passionate about educational travel and could give you an overflowing list... Sarah Bichsel