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Tag: educational travel posts

Tag: educational travel posts

Planning Student Tours | Gain School Board Approval

You understand the immense value of educational student tours and gaining global experience—that’s why you’re planning a trip. Whether or not your district requires formal...
August 19, 2015 Allison Read

This Week in Educational Travel: Think Spring

Happy Spring! Here is your weekly round-up of travel and education news from ACIS, around the country, and around the globe that you may have missed....
March 20, 2015 Cara Marzilli

What to Wear: Winter Travel in Italy

We're big believers in being prepared travelers and packing light, but just because your travel gear is functional doesn't mean you can't be stylish! Your...
October 9, 2014 Cara Marzilli

What Traveling Really Teaches Teens

Traveling is that moment when the textbook comes alive, when everyday objects look completely different and when common greetings sound exotic. For teens,traveling abroad is...
October 2, 2014 Guest Blogger

5 Myths About Educational Travel…Busted!

[caption id="attachment_1749" align="aligncenter" width="600"] 5 Myths About Educational Travel...BUSTED![/caption] We understand that arranging an educational trip can seem like a daunting task. We hear the...
September 16, 2014 James Glavin

Traveling with Spanish Teacher, Scott Saks

Every month, we're proud to introduce you to an extraordinary educator from the US who believes in the power of educational travel to shape the...
July 29, 2014 Cara Marzilli

Tour Manager Spotlight: Meet Dimitra Neonakis

Get to know our tour managers, well-traveled and fascinating individuals who make your ACIS educational tour truly unique and unforgettable. Today we're happy to introduce you...
July 17, 2014 Susan Wiadro
Featured Post Teachers in Their Own Words Everyone at ACIS is passionate about educational travel and could give you an overflowing list... Sarah Bichsel
Featured Post Teachers in Their Own Words Everyone at ACIS is passionate about educational travel and could give you an overflowing list... Sarah Bichsel

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