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Tag: Travel tips posts

Tag: Travel tips posts

Travel Secrets Revealed: Global Entry

Global Entry is a little bit of a secret out there, but a friend of mine who travels “legally” to Cuba told me it was the greatest move...
October 9, 2013 Peter Jones

Travel Tips for Surviving a Long Flight

When you return from a two-week vacation in Australia, the first question everyone asks is to name your favorite part (an impossible query for any travel-lover about...
April 1, 2013 Allison Read

Student Travel Tips – The Art of Packing

Throughout the annals of epic adventuring, it’s the same story—think Marco Polo before heading off on the Silk Road to China; Captain Cook before his...
January 31, 2013 Chris Relton

Your Educational Tours Quick Guide to Tipping

Tipping can be an awkward end to an otherwise satisfying first meal overseas. If you're not familiar with local tipping customs before you arrive, you...
November 30, 2012 Erin Stern
Featured Post Teachers in Their Own Words Everyone at ACIS is passionate about educational travel and could give you an overflowing list... Sarah Bichsel