Natasha Kasprzyk, an English teacher from Chaparral High School in Parker, CO, recently returned from a trip to France with her students. She shares her experience with...
Greetings from Denver, Colorado! My name is Natasha Kasprzyk, and I’ve been an English teacher for the past 12 years. Currently, my home-away-from-home is Chaparral...
At ACIS we're passionate about making your trip an experience you'll never forget. Our committed staff works hard to get every detail right, and provide...
What is Educational Travel? Educational Travel is a carefully planned combination of tours, site visits and hands-on learning opportunities, built around clear learning objectives. An...
You understand the immense value of educational student tours and gaining global experience—that’s why you’re planning a trip. Whether or not your district requires formal...
Happy Spring! Here is your weekly round-up of travel and education news from ACIS, around the country, and around the globe that you may have missed....