Linda Carpenter has been an associate professor of English, Speech & the Humanities for Coastline College for the past 38 years. She recently retired from...
At ACIS, we're a group of passionate individuals committed to delivering an exceptional travel experience. We know the value of life-changing travel experiences ourselves and are...
Every educational travel program could always benefit from fundraising. Traveling internationally can be an expensive proposition, and reducing the burden on families by raising money...
Margaret Mead once said, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful dedicated citizens can change the world; indeed it's the only thing that ever...
In the 38 years we've been operating international tours, we've fielded a lot of questions from parents. Before they trust you to take their children...
When it comes to educational travel, the one challenge that teachers face time and again in promoting travel opportunities to students and their families is...
When most first-time group leaders contemplate taking their students abroad, they can be a little wary about taking on so much responsibility: being responsible for...
As we mentioned in our previous post about 5 Things to Consider When Evaluating Educational Travel Service Providers, staying in a hotel that's centrally located...