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Tag: spanish teachers posts

Tag: spanish teachers posts

Returning to Peru in 2023

Peru had long been near the top of my list of travel destinations because of its amazing history, incredible landscapes and warm-hearted people.  Late last...
August 8, 2023 Jeff Hild

5 Documentaries That Look at Spanish Culture

In recent years, the quality and quantity of international documentaries highlighting unique issues and stories has soared, allowing viewers like us the opportunity to glimpse...
April 16, 2020 Lucy Palmer

Now Available: Perdido en Madrid Episode 2

The adventure in Spain continues with the second and final episode of Perdido en Madrid! In part 1, American college student Brandon arrives in Madrid...
October 31, 2018 Sarah Bichsel

Destination Spotlight: Valencia

By ACIS Social Media Manager Sarah Bichsel When you bring home a flyer advertising your school's ACIS educational tour to Madrid, Barcelona, and Valencia, you probably recognize...
August 16, 2018 Sarah Bichsel
Featured Post Teachers in Their Own Words Everyone at ACIS is passionate about educational travel and could give you an overflowing list... Sarah Bichsel