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Tag: education posts

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week

While we love to celebrate teachers year round, we're wishing all of the educators out there extra special thanks for their continued dedication during Teacher...
May 6, 2024 Sarah Bichsel

Teacher Training Recap: Leadership in the DR

Ann Rento works in admissions at a private school in Albany, New York. Over MLK Day Weekend 2018, Ann attended ACIS' Youth Leadership Training Workshop...
March 28, 2018 Sarah Bichsel

The Secret Life of Bees

I paid a visit to Rick and Nancy’s farm, Bear Meadow Apiary, in Ashfield, MA the other day.  They keep chickens, grow vegetables, and also...
July 30, 2014 Peter Jones

Teaching and Traveling With Keith Kregel

Welcome to our very first installment of a new feature on the blog, teacher spotlights. Every month, we'll introduce you to an extraordinary educator from...
February 26, 2014 Erin Stern
Featured Post Teachers in Their Own Words Everyone at ACIS is passionate about educational travel and could give you an overflowing list... Sarah Bichsel