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Peter’s Thoughts on the Queen

September 9, 2022 Peter Jones 3 Comments
Queen Elizabeth II

Growing up in London in the 1950s the queen was part of my post war childhood. An icon. Unchanging. She had been with us from my very beginning until the end. She had brought a country together and was the upper class mum of our English upbringing. She spoke at Christmas and rarely in between. She maintained, stoically, her role and held a tradition together that was admired by all across the world. It wasn’t always easy. Rocked by family difficulties and the questions about the beloved Diana, she saw it through. Never wavering. Always upholding  this extraordinary legacy of monarchy that has threaded through our history and through my life. Prime ministers and Presidents come and go. The queen always was a permanency we came to deeply appreciate and love. And now she leaves us on a September day after a life that spanned nearly a century. She leaves an extraordinary legacy that I will never forget. And tradition takes over to ensure the monarchy reigns over us.

Long live the King.

Queen Elizabeth II died on September 8, 2022 at the age of 96. She was the longest serving monarch in the United Kingdom, after reigning for 70 years. You can learn more about the queen’s life and death from the BBC.

Peter Jones

Peter Jones In 1978, Peter Jones founded ACIS with a few colleagues, who all believed that travel changes lives. Knowing the important difference between a trip that’s mediocre and one that’s extraordinary, he built ACIS from a deep belief and understanding that ACIS group leaders and participants deserve the best—from itinerary development to hotels to perhaps most importantly, the people hired to guide teachers and students throughout the journey.

“In 1978, Peter Jones founded ACIS with a few colleagues, who all believed that travel changes lives. Knowing the important difference between a trip that’s mediocre and one that’s extraordinary, he built ACIS from a deep belief and understanding that ACIS group leaders and participants deserve the best—from itinerary development to hotels to perhaps most importantly, the people hired to guide teachers and students throughout the journey.”

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