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6 Italian Language and Culture Podcasts for Students

January 10, 2019 Sarah Bichsel No Comments

If you are planning a high school trip to Italy with your students start with a few resources to get them ready for their adventure. These language and culture podcasts are a great way for them to get a sense of what they will experience. From beginner to advanced levels, I’m sure one of these Italian language and culture podcasts for students will have great benefits in their preparation to make their adventure memorable.

Podcast Italiano

Language Level – Beginner to Advanced

Maybe you’re looking for an entry level listening exercise or maybe you want to hear a review of BBC’s Black Mirror: You can find both on Podcast Italiano! Beginners are offered a few introductory exercises that include translated English text to follow along with. The real fun starts with the intermediate and advanced episodes, which cover everything from Italian soccer to critically acclaimed TV dystopias.


A History of Italy

Language Level – English

If you want to dive (and we mean REALLY deeply dive) into the history of Italy, this podcast is a perfect classroom companion. Week by week, the hosts are working their way from the fall of the Western Roman Empire to present day, an ambitious project to be sure, but there is plenty of witty banter to keep even the driest subjects interesting.

Coffee Break Italian

Language Level – Beginner to Advanced

One of the best things about Coffee Break Italian is that it gets incrementally difficult without you realizing it. The early episodes offer a great way for beginning students to kick off their Italian language learning, steadily building up vocabulary and listening skills until the most current episodes of Season 2, which feature an ongoing Italian soap opera. Start at square one and work your way up to the drama and intrigue of La Mia Estate!


30 Minute Italian With Cher Hale

Language Level – In English for Beginners

Cher Hale may not be from Italy, but her passion for the language is evident. 30 Minute Italian breaks down critical Italian grammar, vocabulary and conversation tips in a way that is accessible for beginning students. There are also some wonderful gems for more advanced speakers interested in improving their colloquialisms and understanding regional dialects.

Rai Radio 3: WikiRadio

Language Level – Advanced

Rai Radio 3, one of Italy’s public radio stations, has a myriad of podcast options available for advanced Italian speakers. We particularly recommend Wikiradio, a daily podcast that explores a historical figure or event each episode. Some are international icons, like Billy the Kid, while others may be known only on the Italian peninsula. Either way, the stories are fascinating and provide a great opportunity to practice that past tense conjugation!


News in Slow Italian

Language Level – Intermediate

Want to keep up with current events and learn Italian at the same time? News in Slow Italian is your ticket! Each week there is a new episode featuring current events and human interest stories, spoken in Italian slowly enough for intermediate students to digest the information.

Share these Italian language and culture podcasts for students with your class as you prepare for your student trip to Italy.


Sarah Bichsel

Sarah Bichsel

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