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Category: Travel Inspiration posts

Category: Travel Inspiration posts

7 Fun Facts About Florence

Florence is over 2,000 years old, meaning that there is so much history packed into the streets, the city is essentially a walkable museum. Before...
July 2, 2024 Sofia Collina

7 Best Translation Apps for Traveling

As an educational company, we're passionate about trying to learn different languages from scratch, but even the most committed language learners may need a quick...
July 24, 2024 Sarah Bichsel

8 Tips for Traveling to Costa Rica

Considering Costa Rica for your next international adventure? Our expert travel planning team has come up with some helpful tips for travel. Below, you’ll find...
July 16, 2024 Sofia Collina

Why You Should Travel While You’re Young

ACIS was founded with the mission of introducing young people to the world, and the majority of our travelers are middle and high school students....
July 10, 2024 Sarah Bichsel

8 Helpful Tips for Traveling to Europe

Made up of 44 countries on the continent, Europe is a bucket-list destination for many travelers. While each of those countries will have variations in...
May 1, 2024 Sarah Bichsel

8 Helpful Travel Tips for Italy

Italy is one of the most popular destinations in Europe, with a reported 75 million people visiting in 2022 alone! The culture, food, history, and...
June 3, 2024 Sarah Bichsel

Top Must-Try Dishes in Northern Italy

As many say, food is the way to the soul, and for Italy, it is true. Italia, consisting of twenty regions, is known for influencing...
April 2, 2024 Pilar Marotta

4 Goddesses of Ancient Egyptian Mythology

Ancient Egypt, renowned for its rich mythology, boasted a pantheon filled with deities embodying various facets of life. Among these divine figures, the goddesses stand...
May 23, 2024 Jaden O'Rourke-Nelson

Why Middle Schools Travel with ACIS

Did you know that international educational travel opportunities can start as early as middle school? Even if they're not quite ready for college essays or...
February 7, 2024 Sarah Bichsel
Featured Post Teachers in Their Own Words Everyone at ACIS is passionate about educational travel and could give you an overflowing list... Sarah Bichsel