Andrew Russell is a world languages teacher at Seneca Valley Middle School in Harmony, PA. He's been taking students from his school community to Québec since...
Jonathan Kaptcianos is a math teacher at Brunswick School in Greenwich, Connecticut. He recently returned from a trip to the Dominican Republic with his students that was...
Edna Pajela works at McKinney Christian Academy in McKinney, Texas and has traveled with her students several times throughout her career. She recently completed a...
Linda Goldsworthy, a social studies teacher at Rhinelander High School in Rhinelander, Wisconsin was awarded Global Educator of the Year by the State of Wisconsin...
Mary Claire Kasunic is the president of Oakland Catholic High School in Pittsburgh, PA. She joined the faculty of Oakland Catholic in 1992 as a French...
Renee Sumption is a Spanish teacher at Grant Elementary School in Redding, CA. The overseas trips she organizes are for elementary and middle school students,...