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Category: ACIS News posts

Category: ACIS News posts

ACIS Iceland: Your Classroom Outdoors

We've recently blogged about the natural beauty of Iceland, but these amazing landscapes hold more than photo opps: behind every waterfall and beneath every geyser there...
September 18, 2018 Sarah Bichsel

The ACIS Team By the Numbers

Putting together an international tour takes months of preparation, and from the first phone call with a program consultant to the final flight home, there...
October 9, 2018 Sarah Bichsel

Announcing the 2019 ACIS Scholarship Winners

Each year ACIS offers traveling students the opportunity to win scholarships for their trips through essays, photography and artwork, and each year we continue to...
February 19, 2019 Sarah Bichsel

Join ACIS on the Road (Via Social!)

Spring is one of THE busiest travel seasons for ACIS. It makes sense, as many students and teachers take full advantage of Spring Break holidays...
April 16, 2019 Sarah Bichsel

Peter Jones: On That Day in Paris

Early in the day on Monday, April 15th, I had been visiting groups and snapping pictures around Notre Dame.  It was a lovely day and the cathedral was as...
April 22, 2019 Peter Jones
Featured Post Teachers in Their Own Words Everyone at ACIS is passionate about educational travel and could give you an overflowing list... Sarah Bichsel
Featured Post Teachers in Their Own Words Everyone at ACIS is passionate about educational travel and could give you an overflowing list... Sarah Bichsel

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