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Classroom Resources In Honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day

January 15, 2021 ACIS Blog No Comments
Martin Luther King Monument in Washington, DC

The past year has shined a harsh spotlight on the reality that our country is still grappling with deep rooted hate and social injustice. As a company that has a mission of changing lives, opening minds, and helping others embrace and learn about cultures around the world, we believe visiting new places and exploring different cultures allows us to appreciate our diverse world.  This is also true back home. We stand for inclusion and diversity, and vehemently stand against racism and discrimination of any kind.

Our goal is to help create the next generation of global citizens. Where normally the world is our classroom, with travel at a standstill we are introducing an upcoming series of posts around teaching tolerance, learning from the past, and breaking barriers to build a better future.

In reflection of the upcoming holiday, our President, Peter Jones, said that this is a time to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.  All he stands for, all he accomplished, and sadly, all we have yet to accomplish.  His beautiful memorial in DC, towering over the Washington landscape, reminds us never to forget.  His peaceful pursuit of equality for African American people reminds us of a way – the right way.  In spite of the hate and vitriol and violence, he made his extraordinary “I Have a Dream” speech.  What an incredible man in what our kids might think were times long gone by.” 

In honor of the values Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, and the many civil rights activists he marched with, stood for, we would like to share some classroom resources to help you discuss these important lessons with your students.

If you have any lesson plans, books, movies, or other resources to recommend, please list them in the comments below! In order to cultivate positive change, we have to do it together.

The Smithsonian’s History Explorer:

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Nonviolence

Stanford History Education Group:

Civil Rights Movement Photos

Little Rock Nine

Montgomery Bus Boycott – A framework for Anti-Bias Education and Lesson Plans

Social Justice Standards

Teaching Tolerance Lessons

National Endowment for the Humanities

Places and People of the Civil Rights Movement

PBS Learning Media – Lessons from the American Civil Rights Movement

Lessons from the American Civil Rights Movement

National Council of Teachers of English

A Dozen Resources to Celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

This post was written by Jill Federschneider, Regional Director, South Team.

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