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9 Travel Tips for a Long Plane Ride

August 14, 2024 Sofia Collina No Comments
An ACIS group on a plane

Are you about to take a long flight to an amazing destination with ACIS Tours? If you easily get bored on long flights and need any inspiration on keeping busy, make sure to keep reading as we have listed nine ways to keep you occupied. 

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1. Make Sure to Bring the Essentials

If you’re planning on staying busy with electronics, make sure you bring a charger! Most airlines have plugs making it easy to charge your phone. Bring a portable charger if you have it as a backup. Just in case the plane does not have plugs. Another ‘must have’ that you don’t want to forget are headphones! If you forget your headphones, it will make it very difficult to do anything that involves electronics, unless you are playing games. 

2. Screen Time Is Always an Option

Do your parents ever tell you that you’re on your phone too much or that you’re watching too much TV? Well, long plane rides are the perfect excuse to get away with it. Since there isn’t much to do on a plane, downloading shows or movies on your phone or laptop will definitely help pass time. Yes, most if not all big overseas planes have TV’s but their options can be limited. Therefore, downloading shows you want to watch will make you excited to watch them. 

3. Screen Time Isn’t the Only Option

We know that, to some people, bringing a book can sound boring. However, you can make this a fun activity. For example annotating your book (so you actually pay attention to what you’re reading), or giving yourself a mini challenge of seeing how much of a book you can read in a certain amount of time can be fun. If it’s an enjoyable book then time will definitely pass as you will get lost in your book.

4. Get Crafty

Another tip for passing time on a plane is completing small projects.For example pre cutting friendship bracelet string to bring on the plane. You can either make a bracelet from memory and use an easy stitch (Chinese staircase, candy stripe, v-stitch, etc.,) or you can go on Pinterest and find patterns for free to print and bring with you! 

5. Play Games

Something that people may not think about is playing handheld games. This can be done if you are sitting next to someone you know, or you can even be bold and play with a stranger! For example, bringing a deck of cards, or UNO, or even a game like spot it with you should pass time since you are playing with another person! These games also take up little to no space in your carry on! A little suggestion would be to definitely bring UNO since there are different versions of the game and the games tend to last forever! 

6. Draw or Color

One activity that you could lose yourself in is drawing or coloring. Yes, this sounds a little childish. However, we aren’t talking about coloring books that can be found in the kid section at Target. Coloring the ‘age appropriate way’ can be done in a few ways. One being that if you have a tablet there are some apps you can download. For example ProCreate lets you draw digitally on blank canvases, or you can trace images by hand. Another app one can download on a phone or tablet  is Color Therapy. This is like a digital version of an adult coloring book. If you don’t want to do it digitally you can get a physical adult coloring book and bring some markers or colored pencils with you on the plane. 

7. Look at the Live Map of Your Plane 

Most, if not every overseas plane have TV’s. The TV’s are not only for watching shows or movies. People are also able to locate and turn on a live feed of the aircraft you are on. Depending if you like knowing how much time is left in your flight, this live map allows you to see what country, city or ocean you are flying over along with how much time left you have left until your destination. It also shows different views of the plane. For example it shows the plane on the map, a view of what you would see outside the window, and a cockpit view, so it is very entertaining to watch! 

8. Make More Phone Storage 

Something unique but fun is making more storage on your phone since you will probably be taking lots of photographs on your trip! We are not talking about deleting apps, or text messages, or even clearing your browsing data. But going through all of your photos. This is a fun activity because I am sure most of us don’t even go back and look at the photos we have taken. So while this clears storage, it also allows you to look back at your photos and maybe edit them!

9. Sleep! 

This may be an obvious one. However, being able to sleep even for a little bit will definitely help pass time. Not only that but if you’re someone who gets motion sickness on a plane, sleeping dramatically helps this factor! Plus if you’re changing time zones it’s a perfect time to catch up on some sleep!

Now you’re ready to head out on your long journey: But where are you headed? Check out all of the ACIS Tours itineraries – and remember we can customize to make it the trip you want it to be!

Sofia Collina

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