2015 ACIS Student Scholarship Contest

Travel changes lives. It’s not only our slogan, but a theme we believe in whole-heartedly. We want you to be able to experience the world, but know that purchasing a ticket to travel is not the same as purchasing a new pair of shoes – but, believe me, you get so much more out of travel than a pair of shoes! So show us your skills in this year’s contest, and you could win a scholarship prize toward your ACIS tour.
The theme of the 2015 scholarship is Colors of Travel. Tell us about the colors in your world. Do these colors remind you of a specific event, place or person? Are they in your own backyard or from a past family vacation? If you’ve recently returned from your trip, what colors stood out to you the most? Did they make you feel a certain way? Use this opportunity to tell us or show us what it means to live in a colorful (or un-colorful) world.
Entries for the artwork, photography and writing categories are judged on creativity and inventiveness in expressing an idea related to this theme.
Eligibility Details
The contest is open to students in grades 6 through 12 traveling on an ACIS tour from October 15, 2014 through October 14, 2015. All entries must be accompanied by a completed copy of the Sponsor Application Form and the Scholarship Entry Form. Entries will NOT be accepted without these two completed forms. Sponsors may submit entries from as many students as they wish. Each student may submit only one entry. Any incomplete or unsigned Sponsor Application Forms or Scholarship Entry Forms will not be accepted. Please read through the Scholarship FAQs before submitting an entry.
If you have already paid in full for your trip and you are awarded a scholarship prize, our Client Services team will refund your account. If you have any specific questions regarding your account, Client Services can be reached at 877-795-0813 and accounts@acis.com.
The postmark deadline for submission is January 31, 2015. Winners will be sent written notification along with their ACIS Travel Scholarship Certificates. Prizes for each of the three award categories* are as follows:
- One High School Grand Prize: $1,000 ACIS Travel Scholarship Certificate
- One High School Runner-Up Prize: $500 ACIS Travel Scholarship Certificate
- One Middle School Grand Prize: $1,000 ACIS Travel Scholarship Certificate
- One Middle School Runner-Up Prize: $500 ACIS Travel Scholarship Certificate
- All teachers sponsoring a winner or runner-up will be rewarded a special $250 ACIS Travel Scholarship Certificate that they may give to a deserving student of their choice.
* Middle School students are offered two categories to participate in: writing or artwork/photography.
What are you waiting for? Get those creative juices flowing and show us the colors of your world!
Download Travel is Education Scholarship Forms:
Sponsor Application Form (PDF)
Student Scholarship Entry Form (PDF)
If you have any questions about the scholarship, send an email toscholarships@acis.com. Please note that all submissions to the 2015 Travel is Education Scholarship Contest become the property of ACIS. Entries cannot be returned for any reason.
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