10 Places to Find Election Day Teacher Resources

Presidential elections have a way of captivating the nation like no other, and this year’s election certainly hasn’t been an exception. No matter what candidate you support, everyone can agree elections are a great opportunity to teach students about leadership, civics and world affairs. With election day on our doorstep, we thought we’d compile a list of places to provide enough election day teacher resources to last until the last ballot is counted.
Here are 10 collections of election day teacher resources for students of all levels:
The New York Times
The Times provides a list of a dozen activities, resources, videos and lesson plans to help teach around the 2016 election.
Click here to see The New York Times’ collection of resources
This collection of resources is specifically designed to help students overcome divisions and understand differing worldviews.
Click here to see Tolerance.org’s collection of resources
Matt Davis, a free-lance contributor to Edutopia, compiled this list of resources for the 2016 election.
Click here to see Edutopia’s collection of resources
There’s never a shortage of inspiration to be found on Pinterest, and Election 2016 doesn’t disappoint either.
Click here to see Pinterest’s collection of resources
Growing Voters’ mission is to provide educators with resources designed to give students the tools they need to grow into active participants in American democracy.
Click here to see GrowingVoters.org’s collection of resources
PBS Learning Media
PBS has compiled an extensive list of multimedia resources, lesson plans and tool-kits to teach kids about the candidates the electoral process, and unites designed to teach how to bring people back together afterwards.
Click here to see PBS’ collection of resources
Education World
Education World’s collection has everything from scavenger hunts to campaign ad critiques.
Click here to see Education World’s collection of resources
Teacher Planet
This collection features links to official government agency websites as well as collections of clip art and other media.
Click here to see Teacher Planet’s collection of resources
Teacher Vision
This collection of resources from Teacher Vision covers everything from printable charts and maps to games and classroom election guides (Teacher Vision is a paid service, so you’ll only be able to access 3 resources before you have to start a free trial).
Click here to see Teacher Vision’s collection of resources
Lesson Plans Page
This list of lesson plans is curated by teachers and covers a wide array of issues connected to the 2016 election.
Click here to see The Lesson Plans Page’s collection of resources
If there’s a website or media outlet that you love for election-themed teacher resources let us know in the comments section below!