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Tag: travel stories posts

Returning to Peru in 2023

Peru had long been near the top of my list of travel destinations because of its amazing history, incredible landscapes and warm-hearted people.  Late last...
August 8, 2023 Jeff Hild

Travel to Egypt

The last time I traveled to Egypt was with the kids. It’s a bucket list thing. Pyramids, Mummies, and the Sphinx. I recall vividly those...
November 4, 2022 Peter Jones

Spring Travel Review

Curious if travel has returned? The past few months can leave no doubt, it has! School vacations across the U.S. stagger, but now that they...
May 5, 2022 Susan Wiadro

The Lasting Power of a Homestay

Susan Braun taught public school in Indiana for eight years before taking a break to raise her own children. She was awarded a Lilly Endowment Teacher...
November 14, 2019 Guest Blogger
Featured Post Teachers in Their Own Words Everyone at ACIS is passionate about educational travel and could give you an overflowing list... Sarah Bichsel