Introducing – Zero Down at Registration!

Most everyone is eager to dream of traveling again, but people also want to protect their investment in these uncertain times for travel. ACIS’ new Zero Down at Registration offer aims to bridge that gap.
Zero down – how does that work?? It’s actually as simple as it sounds. Participants interested in enrolling on a trip in 2022 will follow the standard online registration process, except on the payment screen they’ll see a new option: “I’ll wait to pay until Oct 1, 2021.” By selecting that option and completing the registration process, students will be enrolled as a full participant on the trip, but will have an extra 7+ months before any initial deposit is required.
Come October 1, participants will pay $495 plus the cost of any protection plan they may have selected, then will have until our standard payment deadlines to pay for the balance of their trip. And if on October 1 a participant decides they aren’t interested in the trip, they can contact us to cancel and be done just like that.
“Serving our travel community in the midst of a pandemic requires some out-of-the-box thinking…”
Families that prefer to spread out payments over time (for example, by enrolling in an automatic payments plan) will still have that option available to them. In those cases, any payments made over the next seven months will be fully refunded if a participant cancels by October 1. This offer also applies to participants who have moved onto a 2022 trip from an earlier scheduled tour. Any additional payments rescheduled participants make between now and October 1 are entirely risk-free. We recognize that travelers who have stuck with us as their trips have been postponed represent a uniquely committed group; this Zero Down offer was crafted in part so that enough participants enroll on these rescheduled trips to ensure that they will run as planned.
ACIS President Peter Jones explains the zero-down concept like this, “Generating excitement and confidence in a 2022 tour can be tough right now. We get it. With Zero Down, teachers can start to form the core of a travel group and families can say ‘yes’ to a great opportunity for their kids without any risk. Serving our travel community in the midst of a pandemic requires some out-of-the-box thinking and this new option for travelers is one of our answers to that challenge.”

So, get those creative travel juices flowing. Whether you’re after Reykjavik or Rome, Madrid or Machu Picchu, it’s easy and safe to start planning again. With Zero Down, you can turn the thought of travel from a question mark back into an exclamation point!
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