Trip Overview

Barcelona to the Côte d'Azur

March 13 - 22, 2020

  • Maria Cochran
  • 272791
  • DSM
  • 0 days

Announcements & Reminders

  • Best Spring Break Ever!: Dear Future Participants: You are invited to join me on a thrilling journey to two of the most beautiful countries in Europe: Spain and France. We will start the tour in the elegant Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia, a province of Spain. Barcelona is famous for its most unique architecture, world renowned museums, and colorful busy streets. Over the next eight days, we will be traveling along the cost of Spain and Southern France, enjoying stunning natural views and immersing ourselves in the ancient and modern culture of Southern Europe. This itinerary is impressively diverse and should appeal to travelers with different tastes. If you are a lover of nature, you will enjoy the Mediterranean at its most beautiful: dramatic cliffs over azure blue waters. If you are a history buff, you are in for a treat: over the tour, we will span 2000 years of history. If you are a people watcher, you will certainly enjoy walking busy vibrant streets of Barcelona, Marseilles,and Nice with its chic stores and elegant cafes. These ten days of Spring Break will be packed with adventure and new impressions! I truly hope you can join us! Please contact me at (515) 964-6482 (DMACC office) or (515) 451-9373 (cell--can send texts) Read More

Barcelona to the Côte d'Azur

March 13 - 22, 2020

What is “Educational Travel”?

Educational Travel is so much more than just sightseeing abroad. Instead, it’s a carefully planned mixture of tours, site visits, and hands-on learning opportunities that enrich participants’ understanding of the world.

ACIS group making hearts with their hands in Seville
Student participating in France painting activity

Is it safe to travel with ACIS?

Yes! With over 40 years of safety infrastructure in place, extra precautions introduced to comply with all Covid-related requirements and a fundamental understanding that we won’t send participants into harm’s way, you can breathe easy traveling with ACIS.

Is this trip worth the cost?

Absolutely! In fact, 93% of last year’s travelers said their trip was a good value. Learn more here about the benefits of Educational Travel, such as boosting independence, improving problem solving skills, and inspiring participants with passion and curiosity for the world.

Greek cultural evening and dance lesson group of students dancing with host

Are there scholarships or other funding opportunities available?

Yes! We award scholarships each year, and if you enroll in an Automatic Payment Plan, you could win a free trip.

How do I register for my trip?

It’s easy! All you need is your Trip ID and teacher’s last name to get started.

Who do I contact for more info?

Your group leader can probably answer lots of your questions, but Traveler Support is here whenever you need us: use live chat or email

The best thing is watching your students’ eyes light up as they drink in a myriad of sites for the first time

Linda C. Group Leader
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Students by the Numbers

Travel provides students with the skills and experiences they need to succeed. In fact, we surveyed 930 former ACIS travelers and found that:


felt more independent after their trip.


continued their studies in college.


saw an increase in problem-solving skills.


noted better interpersonal skills.

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Ready for fun, adventure, and stories you’ll be telling family and friends for years?

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Want to know more?

Still have questions about this trip or what you can get out of traveling with ACIS? Feel free to contact us and we’ll provide you with more information.

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