Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!

“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.” – Albert Einstein
Today marks the start of Teacher Appreciation Week! All week long, we’re celebrating the impressive contributions, sacrifices, and commitment that teachers make for the betterment of their students and communities. Do you know a life-changing teacher? Show your appreciation! Nominate them by adding a comment to this blog with your teachers’ name and you both could win a $100 Amazon Gift Card! The winning teacher and student will be selected from the comment section at the end of the week.
At ACIS, we appreciate teachers every day, but this week we’re making sure to recognize both the teachers we work with and those that shaped our lives as students. Watch the ACIS team show their own teacher appreciation in the video below, because we can’t say it enough: thank you, teachers!
Don’t forget: tell us about a teacher that deserves your appreciation by leaving a comment with the teacher’s name in the comment section below!
Ms. Pamela Skaar Meier is a social studies teacher at Eden Prairie High School. She has led countless ACIS run tours for students, and she took me on my senior spring break to England. It was an incredible two weeks and an experience that I’ll never forget. Ms. Skaar Meier is entirely to thank for the wonderful organization and success of this trip. Thank you Ms. Skaar Meier!
Wendy Valleau is an excellent Latin teacher. she is funny, kind and always willing to help you. she is also very smart (she went to Yale)
As a co-chaperone, I concur that Ms. Skaar Meier is an amazing teacher and trip leader. Her intense level of research , planning and preparation of the students helps to maximize the experience for all. Many students in our district have been positively influenced by traveling with Ms. Skaare Meier.
There has only been one teacher, other than my parents, who has walked alongside me through my total ten years of school so far, and that is my Frdnch teacher, Mme Carolyn Conrath. I started learning with her at the age of four. Now, I am thirteen, nearing fourteen. It has been nearly a decade since I first met her and started learning French, but I still enjoy her class as much as I did then. She has guided me on a path to success and deep understanding of the French language and culture, helping overcome obstacles faced by the normal foreign-language student. When I was seven, I had a hard time differentiating the “v” sound in French from the “w” sound. Mme Conrath told me a very valuable tip one day during class: if I put my lips together and started the consonant with my teeth on my bottom lip, I would be able to produce the “v” sound. From that day on, I paused right before saying words staring with a “v”, such as the word for twenty, ‘vingt’, and I gradually was able to permanently correct my pronounciation problem. Mme Conrath knows how to deal with kids of all ages, and act as an outstanding role model for what a responsible person should comprise of. I recently took the National French Contest for the first time, and I scored as 4th in the whole nation. Mme Conrath was able to develop my French skills in such a successful way, that the four-year-old who only knew colors, letters, and numbers, became the seven-year-old who persevered and worked to fix her pronunciation problem, to the thirteen-year-old who will be joining her this summer, 2015, on a wonderful journey to northwestern France. What sets Mme Conarth apart is that she not only is a highly inspiring and outstanding French teacher, she is a supportive mentor to kids as they grow up from pre-school to the end of middle school, and a person who’s actions, thoughts, and words encompass the exact definition of what a role model is supposed to be. Mme Conrath takes her students every year that she can to different parts of France through ACIS, because it is the only company she trusts. She helps students confidently explore new places and get to know the people and culture. Thank you Mme Conrath, for being the great teacher that you are!
My first grade teacher, Mrs. Burke, not only taught me to read, she taught me to love learning.
I have a great Latin teacher at the Columbus Academy. His name is Dr Franz Gruber. I am only in the 7th grade but he thinks that his middle school students are responsible enough to go along on the school trip to Italy and Greece with the older kids this June. I am thankful for all of his help with my Latin studies. He always goes out of his way to help me however he can. i am looking forward to spending some fun times with him on our trip this June.
I would like to thank Ms. Echeverria for everything that she has done for the IHA community being the brave leader of bringing 40 teenage girls to Europe each June. I’ve had the pleasure of working with her on each trip, and am excited to be apart of all the trips I am allotted. She is a caring, intelligent, and well-traveled individual and I could not imagine any other teacher being the leader of the Europe Trips in my high school. So thank you again Señora for all that you do.
My 7th grade French teacher Mme. Lawrence was a big reason I fell in love with travel, especially after organizing trips to French speaking countries. Thank you, Mme. Lawrence!
Hello on this beautiful day! For teacher appreciation week I would like to recognize with gratitude my french teacher, Katelin Butcher, who has made such an enormous impact in my life. Not only has she helped me fall in love with the french language and culture by teaching and traveling to France with me, she has helped me through my high school career by being not only a great teacher but great friend. I appreciate all that this wonderful person has done for me and I believe she deserves recognition!
Mrs. Johnson, my tenth grade English teacher and my aunt, also at one point she was my ride to school. She is a wonderful person and always cheerful. Her classes are serious yet fun and we all have a good laugh each time, except on test days of course. Outside of school she is just as hard working. She organizes a trip every two years to other countries. This upcoming school year we are going to England, Ireland and Scotland.
Frau Jurewicz is the German 1-4 teacher at the william mason high school. For numerous years she has taught the students not only how to speak German, but also a little bit of the history of Germany. Frau J has also inspired so many students to learn German that she needs another German teacher to come in and help her! Not too many teachers I know can say they’ve inspired so many students they NEED to double their teaching skills. The best part about Frau is that even on the worst days when everyone is feeling down, or even when she was stressing about how she recently moved to a different neighborhood she always teaches with the same amount of enthusiasm and energy as if it were the last day of school. I honestly don’t know any other teacher that would be a better a better influence for their students.
I’m nominating my modern global issues teacher Mr. Wright! I’ve never been more excited for a trip than I am for my upcoming trip to Switzerland that he is taking students from my class on in June of 2016. My classes trip will be his 9th trip taking students of the graduating class on at the end of every school year. Modern global issues has been my favorite class I’ve ever taken because it was so interesting learning about the different cultures, struggles, and triumphs of the world we live in. I’ve been able to apply the knowledge I’ve gained in his class numerous times and truly just feel like a much better educated global citizen! His class and his personal travel stories inspires students to want to travel and go out and see the world around us. So many are unaware of what exists outside of the United States and Mr. Wrights class gives students the urge to travel and see the world which is why he is truly deserving of this award, because that’s what ACIS is all about, SEEING THE WORLD WE LIVE IN! I can’t think of anything better than traveling, my fellow classmates at my side, learning about a place I probably would not have gotten another opportunity to go to if it wasn’t for this trip. Switzerland here I come, and all thanks to my awesome teacher Mr. Wright!
Mrs.Mary E Cokeing not only knows how to teach exceptionally well in the classroom, but also knows how to teach while on a trip roughly 4000 miles away in a completely different culture. She led a group of 16 students on a trip to London, Paris, and Barcelona, which was an unforgettable experience.
Ms. Avar is an AVID teacher at San Leandro High School. She is an inspirational teacher and the best I’ve ever had. She has done so Mich work so our class is ready for the future. We are currently working on a career project. And thanks to her I have picked out my top 3 careers for my future. Not only does Ms. Avar deal with us every day but she also has a little one at home. Its awesome to know how she takes care of her kid and still has the energy to come teach us everyday. I would like to be like her when I grow up. Strong, hardworking, organized, inspirational, and very caring. She is the best influence this school has!!
I would also love to nominate my French 2 teacher Mrs. Gonsalves! She has been working so hard to keep our trip to France organized. And with all that hard work she still has the energy to teach class everyday. A hardworking teacher deserves to be recognized. She has taught me French so well I know I’m ready to go on this trip thanks to her.
Jan Presley invited me to attend her final trip to Europe through ACIS with her. She has been teaching nearly forty years. She told me that she was glad she took me with her because she experienced France and England for the first time again through my eyes. I will never forget the gasp I made when my eyes beheld Westminster Abbey and Big Ben for the first time at night. It was magical. Jan Presley was the French teacher for my oldest daughter ten years ago and my youngest daughter this year. She is a fireball of a teacher who will be missed at Cookeville High School. She was so knowledgable about all the sites we visited in Europe, and was calm when our group got separated. She is the kind of teacher you always want to travel with. We love our Mrs. Presley!
I cannot thank my mentor, teacher, and almost-older-sister, Ms. Kristin Wingate (Japanese teacher from Ridge High School) enough for the positive impact that she has made on my life. I remember the first day she came into our Japanese class… She greeted everyone with an enthusiastic attitude and vibrant smile. Ever since, her positive attitude and exciting environment that she has created in the classroom has helped in my development as a student and human being.
Our journey really began when I came into her classroom every day during free periods to just talk about life. Some might say that the relationship I have with my teacher is a little strange, but to me, I felt like she was an older sister/friend who helped me face the stressors of high school. She also coordinated our trip to Japan (provided by ACIS), without any help from the school board because the trip was not a school-funded activity. In fact, she was the FIRST Japanese teacher in our district to coordinate such a trip to JAPAN, and she undertook this challenge because of her passion for Japan and the world.
Moreover, she established the FIRST Japanese National Honor Society at Ridge High School, commemorating Japanese students that have excelled in their language studies. As Vice President, I became Ms. Wingate’s right-hand woman, and we both coordinated the FIRST EVER JAPANESE CULTURAL FESTIVAL at Ridge High School. The event, which consisted of a haunted house and maid cafe, met with GREAT SUCCESS! In order to coordinate the festival, Ms. Wingate SINGLEHANDEDLY applied for a $300 grant (if I recall the amount correctly) as the club did not hold any fundraisers up until that point.
On the personal side of things, Ms. Wingate is just a really great person, ‘great’ being an understatement. The relationship I have with Ms. Wingate is powerful and unique, as it is the perfect model for an ideal student-teacher relationship. Ms. Wingate has helped me tackle the obstacles of a stressful junior year by always cheering me on in my academic and extracurricular endeavors. I have learned multitudes of information about Japanese, college, and life from Ms. Wingate…. And a lot of the advice I will carry on forever throughout my college career and real-world career.
Ms. Wingate’s heartwarming words from an email conversation a few weeks ago: “….Because when I think about you Emily, you’re so hard-working, and intelligent that you can do whatever you want with those two things…”
Thank you, Ms. Wingate. Arigatou, sensei.
My 8th grade teacher, Mrs. Krug, was such an inspiration. She taught me so much and is one of the main reasons I am doing so well in high school (both socially, academically, and religiously). Thanks Mrs. Krug and all the wonderful teachers out there!
I would like to nominate Tony Nunes from Coyle and Cassidy High School. He is the consummate professional and a true gentleman! He has decided his life to young people as either a teacher or administrator. As a long standing Spanish teacher at Coyle, he has shared his love of travel with students and faculty alike. He has been coordinating educational trips for students for over 30 years! His love of travel, knowledge of numerous far away places and his understanding of it’s relevance and importance in people’s lives, is by far superior. Both my children will be fortunate to have taken an ACIS trip while under his direction prior to his retirement this summer. He is extremely deserving of being recognized for his efforts!!
Mary Haynes
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to all of you amazing educators out there! It’s an honor and a privilege to work with so many talented individuals who manage to always keep learning fun. Despite the obstacles and challenges put in front of them, they are able to inspire their students to become better people and advocate for Global Awareness. Somehow, they even find time to plan and organize international travel programs and introduce these young minds to new experiences overseas!! THANK YOU
I could choose any of my amazing French teachers over the years (Mme Greeley, Mme Rothschild, Mme DeRobert, Mr Martin…) or my incredible college adviser, Prof Finnegan, who took me on my very first trip to Europe… How do I pick just one!? I am forever grateful for their hard work- they fueled my passion for learning language and introduced me to the wonder that is travel. To all the teachers in my life… Merci, gracias, THANK YOU!
Mr. Evans at W.T. Woodson. He’s lead ACIS tours for countless number of years. Really a cool guy.
My teacher Mrs. Nicole Young at Citrus Valley High School Redlands California has been so amazing. I first met Mrs. Young in 9th grade when I took Geography with her. We learned every country in the world and she was able to share the stories of her travels that really inspired me to want to learn more and see more. I have had the opportunity to go to Costa Rica in 10th grade and London, Paris, and Rome in now my 12th grade year. Both of these trips were led by Mrs. Young. She dedicates her life to teaching about the world through shared experiences. I nominate her for Teacher Appreciation because I want to show her how much I appreciate her and her love to teach her students.
thank you
My IB French teacher Mary Blain is the best nominee for Teacher Appreciation Week because she has helped shape my path through high school. Her incredible energy in class made me fall in love with French, and her ACIS trip to Paris and southern France last July made me fall in love with the culture, food, and environment. Thanks to her and ACIS, I had such an incredible experience that I’ve decided to attend the American University of Paris this fall to pursue an undergraduate degree in International and Comparative Politics. I’ve never had a teacher that has influenced me this much, and I would love to show her how much I appreciate all of her work for her students.
My amazing French teacher Mme. Patricia Gonsalves is about to take our group of 9 on an ACIS trip to France! I cannot thank her more for this opportunity, especially since I’ve never traveled outside of my state before and I’ll be leaving the country for the very first time. So excited!
My Spanish teacher, Doctora Daisy Sam deserves this award for many different reasons. Doctora creates a fun environment in the classroom which I look forward to each and every day. Doctora Sam makes learning a new language fun and interesting. She has a great sense of humor and always makes me laugh during class. Spanish class is now one of my favorite classes because of Doctora Sam’s way of teaching. Over Spring break, Doctora Sam put together a trip to Spain. It was the first trip for the Ridgewood High School Spanish Department in a long time. Doctora Sam was able to organize the trip and make it a once in a lifetime experience. Me and about 24 other students got to visit Madrid, Granada, Mijos, and Costal Del Sol. During the trip I got to learn so much about other cultures and even improve my Spanish speaking. I would like to thank Doctora Sam for making Spanish class fun and educational. I would also like to thank her for taking me to Spain which I am extremely thankful for.
Señora Lisa Hvizda is one of the most fabulous teachers I have ever had. Before retiring in 2014 from Oley Valley High School, Señora was my Spanish teacher for two years. During that time, she treated my class like we were her own children; she was hard on us, but only because she knew how much potential we had, and she was always willing to listen to our problems and give us advice. Señora never had to sacrifice fun for effectiveness; her lessons were always hilarious and easy to understand. Her dedication to teaching was a clear indicator of how much she genuinely cared about us, and when the 2014 school year came to an end, my classmates and I were very sad to see her go. That summer, she took us on her last class trip abroad. We traveled to Panama and Costa Rica with ACIS, and it was truly one of the most magnificent experiences I have ever had. We went zip-lining through the rainforest, saw the Panama Canal, ate incredible food, held toucans, saw monkeys and caimans, relaxed at a thermal resort, stayed in beautiful hotels, and made so many memories that will last a lifetime. Without Señora Hvizda, I never would have had such wonderful learning and traveling opportunities, and I am eternally grateful for all she did for me as a teacher. ¡Muchas gracias, Señora!
I would like to nominate Mrs. Susan Hadge. She was my Humanities teacher for my senior year at Oliver Ames High School. Not many people know what a Humanities course entails, but the class incorporated both Art and English. I have always been interested in Art, taking Art all four years of high school, but English was never something I enjoyed or could do very well. Mrs. Hadge (also an English teacher in addition to Humanites) was able to use my love of Art and help me realize how great writing papers and reading could be. She introduced me to what is now my favorite book, and she really helped me improve my writing. Mrs. Hadge was also one of my chaperons for the ACIS trip to Greece in April 2014 – one of the most memorable and amazing experiences of my entire life. Before that trip I had never been on a plane, or left the Northeast. I have learned so much from her and discovered so many things about myself and my future because of her impact on my life, and I’m sure all of her students feel the same way. Thank you much so, Mrs. Hadge! 🙂
My French teacher of four years who took us to France a little over a year ago. It was the most amazing trip of my life and none of it would have been possible without her and her endless support with fundraising. Mademoiselle Leparoux is everything an exemplary teacher should be. She always goes above and beyond for her students. We all love her so much and I admire her for finding the good in all people. Her students, especially those who stay with her all four years, can tell you how she has turned them around. She pushes us to do our best, not only in her class but in everything we do at school. She tries her hardest to support us at sports by going to cheer us on. Teachers like her are what make a real difference.
My teacher ms. Mendoza has lead me on two amazing trip. She had further my education though learning world culture in Italy and Spain. In Spain we learned about the mulisms and Christians that lived in Spain in peace. In Italy we learned about the many parts of the various Italian culture. Thanks for being a great teacher
My Spanish teacher, Miss Jennie Hauschild, took me and other students on an acis trip to Spain last summer. A former resident of the country, she really knew what places to take us so we got the real experience along with an enjoyable trip. She is a great person inside and out and truly cares about her students, both current and former. She deserves to be honored!
I have a life-changing teacher! Ms. Ashley Pacheco from Taunton High School. She recently just took us on a trip to Spain with ACIS. She changed my life because she unknowingly showed me my passion. She was my very first Spanish teacher and without her awesome teaching and guidance and countless hours of teaching me things that weren’t even in our curriculum I would not have realized my passion for Spanish and my future career. Since that point, although she is no longer my Spanish teacher, she remains a mentor and is always there for me when I need her for questions or just to talk (usually in Spanish). I think she definitely deserves to be rewarded for all of her hard work. On top of being an amazing teacher and my inspiration she is also a grad student working on her masters. However she still finds time to help every and any student with any problem.
Mrs. Nelly Real-Korb is a Spanish teacher at Plainedge High School. She is not only a phenomenal teacher but a sincere friend as well. No matter what the problem may be, her door is always open for you to come and talk with her. She is so inspirational and everything she says and does has a true, significant meaning. I met her in fact not because she was my Spanish teacher but because she was such a big help to me in feeling comfortable in high school my freshman year ( I am now at the end of my Junior year). Just this past April she led me on one of the most fantastic, thrilling adventures of my life. For 9 days we traveled with ACIS to France and Spain and it opened mine and my fellow classmate’s eyes to new cultures and a whole new world. It allowed me to practice French and Spanish with native speakers and I was able to grow with language and as a person as well. Nelly Real-Korb is a true inspiration and she is a beautiful person inside and out. She is also one of the most school spirited teachers in school if not the most; everybody loves her spunk! There is not one student or teacher that I have met that has anything negative to say about this woman; she is kind, caring and pushes you to do you’re absolute best in everything you do. Her passion for teaching and for her students is amazing and she is truly a teacher that needs to be appreciated.¡Amamos la Señora Real!
Thank you John. Words like this makes my life worth living and my job a pleasure.
Sra. Real-Korb
Thank you John. Words like these make my life worth living and my job a pleasure.
Sra. Real-Korb
I have one teacher who isn’t appreciated as much as he should be. Mr Ralph Giordano teaches AP European History at Monsignor Farrell High School in Staten Island, New York. He is also a college professor, so his method of teaching is…well, different from how a normal high school teacher would teach. Because of this, most of our class either despises him or they just don’t care. But there’s a few people who actually do care. He is extremely passionate about having you pass the AP test by any means possible. He goes out of his way to teach review classes, make review sheets, give out flash cards to people, makes projects tailored to your personal interests, and so on. I’ve never seen a teacher who cared so much about having his students ace a test that doesn’t even really matter that much. Any teacher can teach a class, but when you go out of your way to share your passion with others, you become what a true teacher should be. Thank you Mr. Giordano for all that you have done for me. I’m sure I won’t ever forget it.
My French teacher mrs.coldiron she just moved to our class and school and in the short time she has been teaching us we have learned 1st, 2nd and 3rd year of French and that is just in 1 semester … She finds different ways of teaching to help everyone understand. She is kind,funny, and a really fun teached, my class mates are happy to have her she will be having kids go to Paris with another ACIS students next year. I can’t wait!
My 6th grade teacher, Delene Fauchier, should have been named Delene FIERCER, because she fiercely upheld lingustic precision in a way I’ve never forgotten: “Are you a roast? No! So, you are not ‘done’; you’re ‘finished’ when you’ve completed your work!” We were her last class before she retired and she was determined to make us the best class she’d ever taught.
Mrs. Barbara Lomenzo is an amazing English teacher at Dover Area High School. She is the kindest and most caring teacher I have ever had. She connects with her students on a different wave length then the other teachers while still retaining order in class. She inspires kids — that I have never known to do anything in any class — to read full books and write essays. Personally, she helped rekindle my love for reading and made me want to work harder in school. I do not believe she is as recognized as she should be because she truly is an amazing teacher.
Mrs. Lenard is an excellent Alegbra 2 teacher. She is funny, kind and always willing to help you. She is also very smart. She’ll never let her personal life get in the way of helping someone in need. I find that teachers now a days really lack that quality, but she for sure does not. She is always there in the morning and after school, willing to help anybody with anything they need assistance with. She is also the teacher that ignited the fire to my passion for Mathematics.
My Spanish teacher, Doctora Daisy Sam deserves this award for many different reasons. Doctora creates a fun environment in the classroom which I look forward to each and every day. Doctora Sam makes learning a new language fun and interesting. She has a great sense of humor and always makes me laugh during class. Spanish class is now one of my favorite classes because of Doctora Sam’s way of teaching. Over Spring break, Doctora Sam put together a trip to Spain. It was the first trip for the Ridgewood High School Spanish Department in a long time. Doctora Sam was able to organize the trip and make it a once in a lifetime experience. Me and about 24 other students got to visit Madrid, Granada, Mijos, and Costal Del Sol. During the trip I got to learn so much about other cultures and even improve my Spanish speaking. I would like to thank Doctora Sam for making Spanish class fun and educational. I would also like to thank her for taking me to Spain which I am extremely thankful for.
The teacher I would like to nominate is Mendy Beardsley, who has been teaching at the high school level for 20+ years. She teaches art and art history at a small school in a rural area, that is victim to poverty. She is truly a teacher who cares about the well being of her students, and wants to see them succeed in any avenue of life that they choose.
Mendy has travelled with ACIS on a total of eight trips to Europe. I am lucky enough to say I was able to tag along on three of those trips. She has inspired me, and numerous other people that travelling is not out of our reach. The fact that she can acquire 40+ students and adults on these ACIS trips amazes me (and her faculty) because she teaches in such a small area that does not have a ton of money. This speaks lengths about how influential she is to the community, and the students and families that she affects on a daily basis. She encourages these students to work hard, get a job, and do anything they can to make money to be able to attend the trip. She never wants a student to not be able to go because of financial reasons. Her encouragement has created hardworking and determined individuals that will never think they will not be able to achieve their goals and dreams because money is scarce, creating in them a self confidence and will power that they will hold the rest of their life. I am one of those students. She pushed me to not give up even though I was 20, going to school full time, exhausted and working 40 hours a week. She encouraged me with visions of the Louvre, Florence, and the smell of the bakeries along the Seine. Hard work always pays off, and I would do that twenty times over to relive that dream she helped come true.
She is very passionate about what she teaches and she brings that passion with her on her trips with students to Europe. She is very knowledgeable about her content area. We feel as though we have a second personal tour guide at all times. She teaches this content throughout the school year, enhancing the student’s knowledge about the art they will encounter in the museums of Europe. She wants her students to see everything possible on these trips, spending countless hours with a representative from ACIS to customize the trip to include visits to cities and areas that students ask to see.
Mendy Beardsley has shaped my life by opening my eyes to a world I was not aware of; to people, beliefs, traditions, food, culture, and ideas that I now know exist. I cannot ever thank her enough for the experiences she has given me. She encouraged me to see the world, and learn as much as I can from the experiences I learn while abroad. I completely believe in ACIS’s slogan “Travel Changes Lives”, and I believe it is because of teachers with the heart and determination of Mendy Beardsley.
I would like to nominate Robert Lindgren of Buffalo Grove High School because he took our group in like a second dad. He made sure that I felt comfortable in Italy. The trip had made me nervous because of my anxiety but he made sure many many times that I was doing okay. He checked on me, but still treated me like a young adult and let me have my freedom. I respected the way he treated us all like independent people and not just a group he had to deal with while trying to enjoy his trip. I was also touched by the fact that he told me that he missed all the kids that were on the trip. I nominate him because he was more than a teacher, he was a guardian that went above and beyond and made me feel safe away from home.
Susan Angell-Gonzales was my high school dance teacher. She took us on performing adventures all over the world. I am a teacher today because of her leadership skills and ability to inspire me to find my true passion.
Mrs. Howley was my 2nd grade teacher. The very first minute I walked into the door that year I saw the most inspiring women that I met. Mrs. Howkey has taught me so much just from second grade. She was the one that helped me to read, write, and have a beautiful soul just like her. The end of that year my whole class cried because she wouldn’t continue to inspire us everyday, but I went back and saw her everyday till I left that school for middle school. To this day her favorite song “My Wish” is still my all time favorite song cause it reminds me of everything she’s taught me and all the times I had with her. Whenever I see Mrs. Howley I always give her a great big hug and she tells me how beautiful I’ve become and how I’ve become such a wonderful young lady. Thanks for all you did for me Mrs. Howley you deserve to be awarded during teach appreciation love you lots.
Wendy Way is like, the coolest teacher ever. Every year she takes her students to various locations throughout the world. What makes it cool is we learned about where we ended up traveling in her her class! Going to see London and Stonehenge, Normandy, Amboise, and Paris was stunning. Visiting historic site after historic site was incredible. I will never ever forget standing at the American cemetery at Normandy. #waynation
Mrs. Kirsty Montgomery is a former teacher at the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, now Director of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Northwestern University, who agreed to take a group of students to the United Kingdom during our Intersession Week! As a London native, not only did she provided us with special tours of the city she grew up in but also agreed to take us on a bus trip to Broadway (a small British town), Stafford upon Avon, and an amazing pub in the countryside. This trip deviated from the standard ACIS path and allowed us to truly explore a vibrant (and slightly rainy) country.
Mrs. Montgomery was also a fantastic history professor who put a special emphasis on teaching students to write succinctly but yet detailed and on student lead learning. She was even willing to help our Student Council pilot an innovative academic program that let students pick a specialized topic in a general field to study. Those of us at IMSA miss her now that she has left to work at Northwestern. Her dedication for creating lifelong learners in high school and also at the Lifelong Learning Institute at Northwestern makes her one of the most memorable and impactful teachers that I have ever had the privilege of learning from.
Profe Shively is my outgoing, creative Spanish teacher. He has helped not only me, but other students learn and fall in love with the language. Over Spring Break this past year, our teacher arranged for us to visit Spain and Italy -two incredibly gorgeous countries- through the planning of ACIS. I and my classmates are incredibly thankful for our teacher giving us the opportunity to immerse ourselves in the Spanish culture. I am impressed by Profe Shively’s ability to make Spanish class interesting while incoorperating life lessons that I will take with me long after high school. Profe deserves appreciation, not only this week, but every week. If you see this Profe, thank you for everything you do- I really appreciate it.
Shout out to my current 11th grade English teacher Sharon Crane! Whoop whoop! Mrs. Crane will also be my teacher chaperon on out acis trip to Greece this summer! I’ve known Mrs. Crane since I was in the 9th grade when my English 9 teacher, who was also quite awesome, had her room next to Mrs. Crane’s room. Mrs. Crane is such an awesome teacher! She has a great sense of humor and really makes sure that the material is understandable and easy to learn. She understands that as students we have other classes and she tries to moderate her workload. Mrs. Crane really teaches us to apply ourselves and makes sure that we can all take something form her class. So thank you Mrs. Crane, for everything that you do!
I just wanted to say how much I appreciate my high school teacher Mr. Robinson!
He goes beyond his way to help out students that need help and he always has a smile on his face. Whenever I’ve asked him for college advice/job advice he always knows what to say. Just seeing his face makes me smile because I know how much he cares for us kids. I’m sure he spends many long hours after school working with different students. I know this isn’t long or drawn out but I don’t think it needs to be! Sometimes just saying thank you is enough.
Regina Benson teaches French at Granville High School. She is an extraordinary teacher, not only when it comes to French, but in all aspects of life. She is always giving her classes little life lessons and you can tell she truly cares about us and loves her job more than anything. After having her for three years, she has become so much more than just a teacher. She is a friend. We share a special bond and I know we will always be friends. The cherry on top of all if this is that this summer, I get to travel France with Ms. Benson and a group of students through ACIS. I look extremely forward to getting to share some amazing memories with her. Thank you Ms. Benson, and thank you ACIS!
Mrs. Harp is the best teacher I have ever had in my life. She teaches accounting at Oliver Ames High School in Easton Massachusetts. Not only is she incredibly fun but I have learned so much about accounting from her. She is the perfect combination of chill and serious. Whenever she does not feel like doing something that day, we do not do anything that day. Although we do not do something everyday, we learn so much and have so much fun. She is quick with a joke and is always trying to prank people. Of coarse April fools day is her favorite holiday. She is in love with Rob Gronkowski and insists that all of his dance moves came from her. I do not even like accounting that much and I took accounting 2 just so I could have her as a teacher again. Thank you so much Mrs. Harp for being the teacher that makes me want to come to school every day.
When I was 16 years old, I went on a school trip through ACIS to England and France with my fabulous French teacher Karen Rosen and her wonderful husband Roger. To sum it up, this was what I had saved my babysitting money for over 3 years, and it completely changed my perspective on my life. It lead to me having an amazing opportunity to study at the Université de Paris, La Sorbonne for my senior year in college. Although my original plans had been to teach elementary art after college, there were other plans for me after graduation. I taught at my alumni high school..Mercy HS for four years. During that first year, the Rosens and I led a trip of 65 students to France, Switzerland, and Germany again with ACIS, and I was bitten by that travel bug for leading groups for life! My husband and I even did a tour with 30 high school girls for our honeymoon for my fourth trip!
This summer, I will be leading a group of students and parents to Europe for my 11th tour with ACIS and I cannot say enough about how Karen Rosen prepared me not only in the French language but also how she shared her love of travel with me. Thanks to her, she opened the door to travel from my high school in Cincinnati and lead me to a world I had never believed possible to experience!!
Merci, Karen Rosen!:)
My high school French teacher Katie McNamara has been a wonderful teacher. The past three years with her have been benificial in many ways, she helps her students become more involved with the world and more cultured. Learning another language is not easy but she helps us when we get stuck or frustrated by pointing out how far we have come and how much better we have gotten from where we were at the beginning of the year. This summer she will be taking a group of students (myself included) to Europe through ACIS! Unfortunatly she will be leaving our school district at the end of this year so I though now would be a perfect time to let her know how much she has made an inpact on my life and many of my classmates and how much we appreciate all she has done for us. Thank you Ms. McNamara!!
I would like to nominate Mme.Martin, my French teacher from Selden Middle School and then Newfield High School. Not only was she my teacher for 4 years, she became a friend. I got the opportunity to travel with Mme.Martin to Barcelona once and France two times. Her love for not only the French culture but various ones inspire me to be a better person by appreciating all different and unique cultures around me. Not only did she teach me French, she taught me life lessons. She always had a smile on her face and it taught me never to take life too seriously. She made class fun and always tried to change things up to keep her students entertained and enthusiastic. She was, without a doubt, my favorite high school teacher. But like I said, by the end of my senior year, she wasn’t just my teacher, but I truly considered her a friend. I can never thank her enough. Merci Madame Martin!!
WHERE DO I EVEN START?! Mrs. Ashlee Ausherman is the most generous, funny, brilliant, caring and fun teacher that I have ever had. Mrs. Ausherman teaches Spanish at Chambersburg Area Senior High School. She teaches Spanish in a way that each student is involved and having a good time. From sharing the different cultures from her amazing trips around the world, to helping me and my classmates in every way possible, Mrs. Ausherman encourages me to do better in every aspect that I can. I constantly bother her to see what grades I’ve gotten on certain assignments, because that’s how much I care and I know she does as well. To add, Mrs. Ausherman does a great job of not only being there as a teacher, but by being there as a motivator and an inspiration. If that isn’t enough for one person, get this…Mrs. Ausherman helps organize National Spanish Society at our school, runs the Spanish Club, and still gives up her time to help students before and after school. If she isn’t doing any of those things then she is at one of her student’s sporting events supporting them. Students, parents, and colleagues all respect her and wouldn’t care for anyone, but her. I am really hoping to get this money for the trip together so I can enjoy Costa Rica with my friends and such a great teacher. I can’t even explain how thankful I am to have such an amazing teacher!
I agree with Susy Anzalone’s excerpt on Mrs. Ashlee Ausherman. I am honred to write on behalf of Mrs. Ausherman. She is a highly motivated and interactive teacher and proves herself everyday in my Honors Spanish 3 class. Mrs. Ausherman has encouraged me this whole year in my Spanish studies. and I look forward to going to Spanish class everyday. The homework assigned is a nice break from my other homework. Mrs. Ausherman has made going to school so much better for me this year. She works one on one with her students as mentioned by Susy, but she also has a kind heart too. If someone in the class is struggling with a concept she slows down and makes sure the confusion is cleared up before moving on. Amablísima is a Spanish word that comes to mind when I think of Mrs. Ausherman because she is so kind, caring, and helpful which is what the word means. As this school year comes to a close, I look forward more and more to next year in AP Spanish with Mrs. Ausherman with great expectations.
My French Teacher Madame McCoy has done everything she can to make sure our up coming trip as smooth sailing as it can be. She has gathered many students and conducted many meetings. She helped me win the free trip by giving me assignments and supporting me throughout my earning money process. She has welcomed everyone in our high school to join and has had a great enthusiasm for this trip to France and Spain since day one. Ever since I was in 8th grade she has been anticipating our up coming trip and after everything she has done for me and my class mates a gift card is the least I could give her to show her my gratuitude.
Lora Cramer- She made learning enjoyable and was always up to date with her teaching. Never a boring class, no matter the topic. 🙂
Madame Worley is such a great French teacher! I’ve learned so much from her this year. Can’t wait for the French/ Spain trip with her leading the way!
Señora Baralt is an amazing teacher and person. She has taught me many things about Spanish, world cultural differences, and life. I had so much fun with her on our trip to France and Spain this past April!
My teacher, Mrs. Del Rosario is not only a great teacher but a great support system. She has always been there to listen and guide myself and my peers through any hardships. She is by far, the greatest teacher ever!
I would like to nominate my teacher Michelle Shupp. She teaches Latin at Mechanicsburg Area Senior High. I’m so glad I decided to take Latin because Magistra is by far my favorite teacher. It is clear she loves traveling and she shows this passion when she tells us funny or sometimes even scary stories she encounters when she travels. She encourages all of us to move out of our comfort zones and go on some sort of trip when we’re young. When we were getting ready to register for our trip she even said to convince our parents to come to the meeting and worry about money later because they’ll realize how extraordinary traveling is and if we really want to go we’ll find a way. She took my brother on two trips and now she’s even taking me! I’m so excited to travel with her to Greece and Italy this summer!! Thank you Magistra!
I would like to nominate my English teacher Judy Peterson. Mrs. P is straight up the best teacher ever. She planned on retiring this year but has decided to keep teaching my junior class and watch us graduate. She has helped my writing grow and has prepared me single-handedly for two AP tests in one school year. In addition to that great feat she had also planned out the best week of my life in London. I can’t thank Mrs. P enough for all that she has done for me and her students.
Thanks Mrs. P
Mrs. Stanley is one of the most supportive and dedicated people I have ever known. With her help I went from grammar workshop freshman year to currently enrolling in my second AP English course and working on my own book of poetry. She goes so far beyond teaching, taking an interest in her students wellbeing far beyond what is required of her. She’s helped me so much both inside the classroom and out, and I could never thank her enough
Brendan Murphy: Mr. Murphy is more than a teacher. He is a friend, mentor, educator, and some many other things. He is a World History teacher at Marist School in Atlanta, but he also teaches a holocaust elective. Most kids take it as an easy A and write it off as a GPA booster; however, his class is far greater than that. Its a class that makes you feel something emotional. It goes past a basic textbook, notetaking class, but actually emerses you in the history through detailed storytelling, riviting accounts from holocaust survivors, and movie clips to help a student like myself visualize the atrocities of the Holocaust. This class was truly amazing and it was brought to life by Mr. Murphy. He cares so much about this time and history and devoted so much time to ensure it is never forgotten. We need to call “bear witness”. That is why he created the ACIS managed Bearing Witness trip over spring break. It allowd 30 of his students to go to where it all happend. The trip took place in March but from the moment the students were chosen in spetemebr, the expierence began. From countdown emails to group meetings with holocaust survivors, and our personal made travel guide, he created so much hype. I honestly cannot explain how amazing the trip was. I can’t put into words the emotions I felt, or friendships I made, but its something I will never forget. Its all thanks to Mr. Murphy
A huge thank you to my AP European history teacher Mr. Grunloh who ignited my passion for the history of the world, and who also led me on TWO amazing ACIS trips that let me explore that passion.
I would like to acknowledge my extraordinary French teacher Mary Blain, or Madame Blain as i know her, for her outstanding preformance as both a French teacher and trip leader at the Utica Academy for International Studies in Michigan. I’ve known this wonderful, kind-hearted woman for 3 years now, and not I day goes by that I regret taking French. As a teacher, Madame Blain makes learning French fun and interactive but at the same time she pushes us to our limits with our French abilities. She will dance, sing, act, among many other ways she tries to teach us French culture and the French language. She has gotten us to a point of understanding that is beyond most college students, and we all score highly on the national French exam thanks to her teachings. She has been a teacher for nearly 25 years and prior to that she lived in France and French speaking parts of Africa. Never before have I met an individual so passioante about the world and so proud of their French language. She is deserving of so much praise and credit. As a teacher she goes above and beyond to see that every student succeeds. Last year I had the privilege of traveling to Franfe with her and I’d have to say that her familiarity with her beloved “la France” made that trip the greatest of my entire life. She wasnt afraid to interact with locals, speak only in French while there, or stay confined to tourist locations- in fact she encouraged the exact oppostite. A woman so worldly and experienced, Madame Blain proves to me everyday that she is a French instructor of the highest calibre and is deserving of the highest degree of award in French instruction. She has inspired me, and has made French my main passion. I want nothing more now than to move to France and become an ambassador, and that is all thanks to her. This is why I would both nominate and acknowledge this master of the French language and culture.
What is the world without teachers? I have been not only taught by but also inspired and encouraged by a tremendous number of teachers, and I am forever grateful. One such educator that stands out to me is my chemistry teacher, Mrs. MacEwen. She completely encompasses the quote shared by Albert Einstein in that she truly masters the “supreme art of the teacher.” Accordingly, she has undoubtably made me value education and knowledge to a greater extent. In addition, she accepts and appreciates people for who they are no matter what, and this inspires me to not only do the same but to also be myself. She cares for all people and has a sense of humor that allows everyone to enjoy being in class, and the overwhelming majority actually look forward to it. The sacrifice she makes by teaching at a Catholic school, in regards to salary, is admirable, and it inspires me to follow my passions and do what makes me happy no matter what. Likewise, her commitment to making sure that all students do the best they can is another one of the myriad things that I look up to. Words cannot describe the gratitude all of her students feel! Thank you Mrs. Mac for everything you do!
Andrew Digan is a Spanish teacher at my high school Saint Sebastian’s. Mr Digan has lead me along with many other boys on two trips over the last two years one to Spain and one to Costa Rica. Mr. Digan has been the key that has opened many doors for me including helping me speak Spanish and experience the culture first hand of the countries to which we traveled. Mr. Digan continues to amaze me in his patience and entertainment of groups of boys that were not always the easiest. Mr. Digan has never been my teacher, but I know that he arms many other students of all ages with the same tools he gave me from the classroom. Thank you for everything and for equipping me with the tools needed to experience the world Mr. Digan!
Madame Graham is a teacher that rivals any great teacher in the world. A young-hearted, free spirited person, Madame Graham takes her own time to ensure her students success, whether that means that helping the student on the weekend, hosting French-speaking events at her house, or leading a group of 7 students on a Pathfinder trip to France and Switzerland this past April 2015. She comes to class every morning full of energy, ready to laugh, and ready to encourage learning in the class. She allows her students to understand the true meaning of becoming a lifelong learner. She gives so much, and asks for nothing in return. Showing every student how to live a life of compassion by example, Madame Graham has not only become a mentor to me, but a friend. I’m so fortunate to have gotten to know her throughout my 4 years of French and my eight day trip to Europe. More than anything, I want her to know that she is GREATLY appreciated and loved. Thanks for everything Madame Graham. <3
Here’s to dedicating Teacher Appreciation Week 2015 to LuAnne Melton, PHHS’s World Languages Department Head, Hanover, Virginia. Here is to you LuAnne!
Dedicated to promoting cultural awareness, communication, and language exploration across communities, Mrs. Melton as an educator is very much deserving of THANKS. Not only does she teach her students to experience other cultures through language, sharing different cultures through ACIS travel has become a very popular educational opportunity as well. Our community is very appreciative for these special occasions. In July my son will be embarking on a journey to Paris, Provence and Barcelona with her and a fairly large (40+) youth travel group. We are extremely excited for him. So excited in fact that I’ve booked the 2016 Costa Rica tour to include my entire family. We can hardly wait for that one. Enjoy this week Mrs. Melton and many thanks for all that you’ve done, and for all that you will continue to do.
I would like to nominate Mr. Michael Wrenn, beloved French teacher at Saint Helena High School in St Helena, CA. He has touched the lives of hundreds of students, parents and has inspired his protégés with his bottomless knowledge of French language, culture and history. He has led countless group trips with ACIS and he has inspired me as well, as a fellow French teacher, to travel abroad with my own students. I owe him a great debt because he’s the one who unwaveringly supported my decision to dive into education and to become a teacher. I can’t thank him enough for enriching my life as a friend and collegue.
This past spring break I was able to travel to Europe with a whole bunch of my classmates and experience things that I never even dreamed of, and it was all thanks to Miss Julie Stoker. Every year she plans out a trip for spring break and the senior class trip along with many other responsibilites such as teaching students history. I know planning out these trips is not easy and that you are faced with many unplanned situations, and that the whole process is just very stressful in general. I decided to take the time to write this post of appreciation because i feel that she sometimes goes a little under appreciated. She always plans out amazing trips, and while we’re on the trip she takes the time to point out some interesting things, and she also takes beautiful pictures. So thanks Miss Stoker, for all that you do!
Robert Buccheri from Carmel High School, Carmel NY, thanks for making travel abroad a reality in our school. Our trips each spring break to Europe and beyond offer our students an opportunity to change their perspective and gain a greater understanding of the world. Over 200 students have traveled with ACIS through our program and we’ve inspired so many of them to study abroad! We’ve seen it first hand, travel changes lives. Thanks for all that you do!
I would like to thank Mary Rametta, my colleague, for continuing to inspire me and support me. A number of years ago Mary Rametta took a group of students to Spain with ACIS. Not only was the trip a HUGE success (as always when one travels with ACIS) but also Mary made contact with a school in Córdoba, Spain which has now been our sister-school for six years for an exchange program that we developed together. Mary will hopefully be traveling with ACIS again in the summer of 2016. I am planning a trip to Costa Rica and I have invited her along. Mary is an amazing teacher, a beautiful person, and a fantastic traveling companion. She deserves recognition during teacher appreciation week!
Mrs. Krous, my advisor and science teacher. She has tough me chemistry and physics amongst many other valuable lessons. Always making learning fun and having fun interactive demonstrations, Mrs. Krous is the only teacher I know who could make physics a remotely interesting class.
Mrs. Krous, my advisor and science teacher. She has taught me chemistry and physics amongst many other valuable lessons. Always making learning fun and having fun interactive demonstrations, Mrs. Krous is the only teacher I know who could make physics a remotely interesting class.
I would like to thank Mr. KEVIN PERRY of HANOVER HIGH SCHOOL. His dedication, to his students is unparalleled. No matter what the subject Mr. Perry teaches with passion. His love of learning is contagious. Mr. Perry has been a group leader for trips to Spain, France, England, Italy, and most recently Costa Rica. Mr. Perry makes learning interesting, fun, and memorable. Thanks for Teaching me.
There is one teacher that has made a huge impact on my life. My choir teacher, Mrs. Schnieders, is an amazing woman. She always pushes us to do our best whether it is in choir, show choir, show band, musical, or just life in general. She has such a kind heart and it is obvious that she loves what she does; otherwise, she wouldn’t be putting in the insane amount of extra hours that she does. The best feeling is when she gives the look that says she is proud of you. The school is losing one of it’s best teachers this year to retirement, but she will always be in our hearts.
My appreciation is dedicated to Churchill High School’s Spanish 3 teacher, Ms. Buchta. The class trip to Spain won’t take place until 2016, but nevertheless, she is an amazing teacher. She is certainly a very fun and flamboyant person with a great deal of passion in what she teaches, doing her best to make it interesting for those in her class. She never fails to make it interesting where she can and is a dedicated and wondrous person. I don’t doubt that the Spain trip will be worth every moment and every penny.
I would like to nominate Joan Pace from Ankeny High School. She was my French teacher in high school and I was lucky enough to go on an ACIS trip with her my junior year. She was always so passionate about travel and the language. She really encouraged us all to experience all that France had to offer. Fast forward a few years and I am now teaching French and wanting to travel. I knew right away who to contact and Joan helped me through the whole process. She was a fantastic mentor and really helped plan the most rewarding trip ever for a new chaperone! Not only did her expertise come in handy, it was just nice to have someone who understood my situation personally and who willingly gave up their time to help out a former student/fellow French teacher . I strive to be that inspirational and personable in my classroom and to hopefully be the kind of teacher she was (since she is now enjoying retirement!). Thanks for not only dealing with me as rambunctious student in France 🙂 but treating me as an equal in the profession.
My high school Latin teacher, Mrs. Courtney Hasner, has been an amazing adviser and mentor for the past four years. Not only has she brought Latin to life for me, but she has also introduced me to opportunities I never would have had had I not had her as a teacher. Thanks Mrs. Hasner!
For teacher appreciation week, I nominate my Spanish teacher Pamela Reynolds who is taking my classmates and I to Costa Rica this upcoming February. Not only has she taught me a language that can connect me to different parts of the world, but she has also taught me valuable lessons about life. From her, I learned that traveling is a key component to happiness, I learned that being witty and always having smile can take you a long way, and I also learned that a teacher can easily become a friend. I can’t wait until she leaves with me on her, I believe, 10th trip with ACIS. I wouldn’t want to make such a fun memory with any other teacher besides her. She truly is a person with a huge heart and an even bigger smile and she greatly deserves a thank you. So with that, thank you, Profe, for all that you do!
Learning a new language can be a challenge, and teaching someone a new language can be especially difficult. It takes a dedicated individual who has a passion for teaching. Ms. Paladino is exactly that. Everyday she comes into class with a smile on her face, and positive energy that is truly contagious. Having her as my teacher, has broadened my ability to speak spanish. We are learning so much in a short period of time, and it’s fun too. Because of her, I can have conversations with people in another language, and that’s pretty cool.
Every year, she takes a group of her students to other parts of the world. She shows her students other cultures, bringing what we’ve learned in the classroom to real life. That’s pretty rewarding for everyone. I feel really lucky to have a teacher like Ms. Paladino, and to have a chance to learn from someone like her, who truly loves what she does.
Despite the long hours of preparing lessons, correcting papers, writing college recommendations, and teaching young minds about US History, Mr. Kevin Perry of Hanover High School somehow still manages to find the time to coordinate, plan and execute highly successful overseas trips for our very fortunate students. He is extremely well-liked and well-respected by students and staff alike, but is not often thanked enough for ALL that he does for our school. He is a model of positive thinking and is an inspiration to nearly every person he meets. His compassion and caring nature make him an asset to our building, and a treasure for our students! The halls of HHS would not be the same without his effervescent personality. Everyone’s day is always made brighter by the appearance of Mr. Kevin Perry!!!
For teacher appreciation week, I would like to nominate my high school french teacher Mrs.Jane Kort (although everyone calls her Madame Kort, even without knowing her). Madame is one of those teachers who is more than just a teacher but a friend as well, and to most of us, like a second mother. She is always there to talk and is willing to help out in all situations whatever way possible. She is always so positive and is never seen without a smile on her face. Going through high school is enough of a challenge and learning a language ontop of that makes everything even harder, but thats when it comes in handy to have a teacher like Madame by your side. She’s been teaching for so long she definitely knows what she is doing, and the thing is, she loves what she does too. She knows different techniques to teach struggling students because she knows we all learn differently. She always offers to stay during lunch and after school to get us as much help as possibly. Most importantly she makes her lessons fun while we’re all learning and understanding. We’re only required to have two years of a language at my school to graduate but because of my love for French and because of how fabulous of a teacher Madame is, I have taken four years so far, and will take AP french with her next year. Because of her teachings I was able to have full conversations with native french speakers on our class trip to Paris this past summer, which is an amazing feeling of accomplishment. Because of her I am even going on a return trip this coming year for my senior spring break. Madame deserves a thousand thank you’s for everything that she does and everything she has accomplished. I am so beyond blessed to have someone like her in my life to learn from everyday for four years of my life. She deserves this recognition!!
I am nominating Martha Ebner from Freeport High School. She was the biggest influence that made me want to go to France, and when we went she made the trip amazing, we all learned so much from her, and she inspires me to continue learning and traveling, and to just be the best person I can be.
A Spanish language teacher Ms. Hauschild is and an exceptional teacher who loves teaching and interacing with her students. She’s always happy and has a smile on her face! She motivates people everyday to speak Spanish and use different skill sets which helps people like me and others in other subjects too! She really pushed me into going to spain and I am going to love every bit of it. She wants us to experience another culture in as many ways possible so we could really get the true experience which is one of the best things i am ever going to do in my life and I’m only in highschool. Ms. Hauschild is such a fun and vibrant teacher. She’s always showing people new things and educating the school about a different culture and how they spend their every day lives speaking Spanish. I am extremely exciting to go travel and learn more with her because she is going to make this experience in another country extravagant! In school she’s awesome in the way that she teaches and she’s ALWAYS talking which is a great thing. When your talking to her, you can talk about anything and she will be interested in so many ways. So, an extreme amount of appreciation to her everyday!
I appreciate my English teacher, Mrs. Sorey. She teaches us so many techniques and and hints to writing essays that writing essays are enjoyable. It’s amazing how she captures little details about text and gives us a whole new dimension to Literature. More importantly, she opened my eyes to see the world. To work towards life enjoyment and not money.To be aware of the world and to use the privilege of freedom of speech to voice my opinion. Mrs. Sorey follows her own path in life and teaches us to follow our own path in life.
Thank you, Mrs. Cofield. Thank you for spending hours upon hours pouring over our essays and making history come alive. You are truly the only person who can make the Nullification Crisis sound exciting and scandalous. And thank you for looking at us with love, but also with high expectations- thank you for believing in us. You’ve had so many students, but we’ve only had one Mrs. Cofield. You taught us how the world came to be the way it is, then took us to see it. No appreciation post could ever truly capture the impact that you’ve had on us, but I most certainly had to try.
Ms. Carcel, my 11th grade anatomy teacher, I think deserves to be recognized for teacher appreciation week. She is so funny and helpful and knows just about everything there is to know about the human body. She has made me love science and really challenges me to do my best. Since I have her as an 8th period teacher she always realizes we are all tired and just want to go home but she still tries to make the class as fun as possible. She is very patient with her students and always asks if we are okay if we look sad or tired. She is my favorite science teacher out of all my school years and really knows how to make you feel happy, even after piling loads of work on you it’s just impossible to be mad at her because of her sweet personality. The best part about her is that she is passionate in what she does and truly cares for her student’s well-being. After the cat and pig dissections she would give out cat and pig stickers and everyone thought it was so cute. Plus, after we took a bone test she gave everyone a femur pen for doing well. Even as a junior I appreciate all the little things she would do for us to brighten our day up and even sometimes gives out lollipops just because she loves us. She makes me smile everyday and has taught me so many valuable life lessons. I don’t know what I would do without her and I’m so happy I’ve had her as a teacher and as a friend.
My teacher, Suzanne Toll, convinced my parents to take me on an ACIS tour to Italy 20 years ago and changed my life. She inspired me to be a teacher and lifelong traveler, as well as to pay that gift of travel along to my students. Gratias, Magistra Toll!
Mr. Keith Ridgeway has been my French teacher for the last 3 years and he is excellent at what he does. It is his second time leading a group to France, and everyone is excited that he will be our leader. He is very creative, every french lesson is fun and educational. He is always willing to help a student understand the material. Mr. Ridgeway absolutely deserves recognition for his dedication to education and giving his student an opportunity to experience culture outside of the classroom.
Mr. Stelios Vayanos came to my school when I was half-way through my 9th Grade year. At the time, I was in Spanish 1 and frankly I didn’t care about Spanish class at all. Spanish is a very useful language, but I didn’t really appreciate it. I met Mr. Vayanos very briefly at the end of that year, but the following year he was my teacher for Spanish 2. As you may be able to tell by his name, Mr. Vayanos is very Greek. In fact, he is from Greece. This is why he speaks Greek… however, it was his own love of language that compelled him to learn Arabic, Mandarin, Portuguese, Italian, and Spanish. When I found out his origins I was very interested, I found it amazing and inspiring. Thinking back now, I suppose that I always was fascinated with languages and foreign cultures… but Mr. Vayanos has opened my eyes to how big and diverse and intricate the world is and since he has become my teacher, my love of language and culture has skyrocketed. Before I was in Spanish class to earn some credits; however, since Mister Vayanos, I am in Spanish class to become bilingual and I am teaching myself Russian because I love the language… Also on my list: German, Italian, Arabic, Japanese, Czech, Slovak, and Hebrew. In the future, I wish to become an interpreter. Thanks to Mr. Vayanos, I know what I love and what I want to do in with my life. ¡Gracias, Señor! Спасибо господин! Thank you Mr. Vayanos!
Have you ever dreaded having to wake up early and drag yourself to school? Although I rise at six in the morning each day for school, I now look forward to walking like a zombie into school thanks to Mr. MacNabb. I am more than grateful to have received the chance to have Mr. MacNabb as my United Sates History teacher. I would like to nominate Joshua MacNabb for the ACIS Teacher Appreciation Week because not only does he inspire his students to engage and learn, he is an excellent role model in representing what qualities are required in being a generous and truly caring human being. Mr. MacNabb has an immensely large heart and cares for each and every student in the entire school. From taking a minute to put a smile on your face, to attending local sports competitions to cheer you and your team on. When I was approached to sign up for the amazing opportunity to travel to Spain I jumped at the chance. My trip to Spain this past spring break was an experience I will never forget, and I have Mr. MacNabb to thank for that. Our trip was fantastically organized and Mr. MacNabb never let there be a boring moment of the trip. By pouring out his grand knowledge of Spanish history, thinking of games to play on our four hour bus rides, and singing songs in the morning to wake us up at breakfast Mr. MacNabb truly made our trip to Spain worth our while. Throughout our ACIS trip Mr. MacNabb taught us the appreciation of travel, culture, and world history. Before the trip to Spain I had never traveled outside of the country without my parents. On the last day of our journey around Spain I ended up dropping a glass cup on my foot, in a complete panic I screamed for Mr. MacNabb and he arrived to the rescue in seconds. Calming me down and wrapping my injury, Mr. MacNabb carried me to the taxi taking me to the hospital for stitches. My mind began racing around the thoughts of how frightened I was to be going to a foreign hospital let alone without my parents, but Mr. MacNabb comfortingly reassured me the entire time and reminded me everything would work out fine. I could not imagine my high school education without the radiating motivation, knowledge, and life lessons Mr. MacNabb passes down to his students. Thank you for being an inspiration, spreading such good energy each day, and being an amazing teacher, Mr. MacNabb!
My daughter Kelly took a trip this year with her teacher Ms. Wendy Way. While, Ms. Way is an amazing teacher in the classroom, she opened my daughters eyes to the world by traveling through France and Italy! Her enthusiasm and love of traveling and teaching was the perfect combination for a fantastic trip! Every single picture I saw from this trip shows the twinkling eyes and the smiling faces of over 40 kids and they were actually learning something!! I’ve never seen my daughter so happy! My daughter is now ready to study abroad and hopefully backpack through Europe once she graduates college! Ms. Way and the other chaperones gave our children not only and educational experience but a chance to see there’s a big world outside of our little town! It was definitely an experience to last a lifetime and my other daughter is so excited to experience this adventure next year!!
Last June, I had the amazing opportunity to travel to Spain with my high school Spanish teacher Megan Anderson. It was the trip of a lifetime and a life changing experience. This was the second trip she has planned for students to travel abroad and she is currently planning another one for the summer of 2016. She puts countless hours into planning these trips in order to make them special for the students. Her passion and enthusiasm for teaching Spanish is incredible and she really cares about helping her students. She not teaches the Spanish language, but she also emphasizes the importance of learning the culture. I had the pleasure of being in her class every day during my junior and senior year of high school and taking levels III-V of Spanish, and I looked forward to being in her class every single one of those days. There was never a dull moment in class and she helped to cultivate the passion I have for the Spanish language and culture today. Learning a second language in high school was one of the best experiences I had, and she inspired me to continue my learning of other languages and cultures in college. Last year, Sra. Anderson was awarded the teacher of the year award for her dedication to teaching Spanish, Big Spring High School, and to her students. I truly cannot thank her enough for everything that she has done to enhance my learning experience, and appreciate her immensely.
I have had so many teachers who have inspired me. I was taught by most of them that it is important to get involved and give back..so thank you Sr. Marita Jean. Gail House, Jane Wisenhoffer, Dinah Singer, John Tronalone, Phil Donley, Brad Taylor, Joe Godek and the Sisters of St. Joseph.
Ms. Nella of Fort Bragg High School is wonderful. We went on a tour with ACIS last year with her as our co-chaperon, and when two kids in our group got lost in the Versailles garden, she was the one who stayed behind to find them while the rest of us (including the actual group leader, we didn’t have a very good group leader) took the bus back to our hotel. She returned with them two hours later. She also defended our group from a rather questionable man we encountered in Paris.
On top of this, she is an extraordinary English teacher who is very passionate about her job and Shakespeare. She does everything for her students, and I truly appreciate her sense of humor. She taught me a lot when I was in her class, and she deserves recognition.
Frau Stuber of Northland Pines High School deserves all the recognition in the world! She is our only German teacher in the entire district, so she’s busy teaching German 1, 2, 3, and AP German and still manages to get together an ACIS trip to Germany, Austria, and Switzerland every two to three years! Frau Stuber helped me overcome my incredible fear of public speaking and now I have received many awards for acting and speech-giving. She has inspired me to further my learning and become a teacher myself. I can’t wait to go on the trip next year with her! This will be my first time travelling abroad. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity, Frau!
In elementary school we had the same teacher for every class. After having Señora Lomax for two Spanish classes and my class council advisor, I wish that the same was true for high school. Another wish of mine is to nominate Tracy Lomax for the ACIS Teacher Appreciation Week. I had Señora as a Spanish two teacher and she went on to inspire me to take honors Spanish 3 (with her this year), not only has she given me a push that I needed she has helped me in so many ways. Señora is not just a teacher who can make learning fun, or makes it easy to understand, she knows how to reach her students on a whole other level than any other teacher. She gets to know everyone of her students and peers individually and creates an environment accustomed to them and their learning experience. Señora is also given me the opportunity to travel to Paris and Madrid through the ACIS program, along with many other students. I am so very fortunate to have been given this opportunity to experience which is surely to not only last a lifetime but create a whole other learning experience. I know that Señora will make the trip an amazing one and will make sure we get a great experience out of it and make the program proud. Señora goes above and beyond and I strongly believe that this hard work should be recognized in the ACIS Teacher Week Appreciation. ¡Gracias!
I was lucky enough to have Marge Mandl as a French teacher for four years in high school. She was the type of teacher who enjoyed teaching, learning, and making sure her students were always actively engaged. She led an ACIS tour the summer of 1999, where I had the opportunity to travel around France. She always encouraged her students to excel. She wanted us to be apart of the culture. When I graduated high school, she was the one teacher that I, along with many other students, would definitely miss. Because of her and her French classes, I pursued a French education major in college. For my teacher internship year, I had the opportunity to work as her student intern. This time I was her colleague, and got to see the ‘why’ behind assignments and activities and not just the ‘fun’ that the students would see. As a mentor teacher, she was amazing. She was willing to help me and give me ideas but still gave me the freedom to create lessons. She was patient and motivating. Marge has since retired from teaching high school, but she still regularly attends Michigan World Language Conference, along with other professional development opportunities because she loves being surrounded by her peers. She loves learning for the sake of learning. She also observes student teachers and mentors them. She teaches adult French community classes. She is still actively traveling with adult groups. She loves staying involved in the world language community even after retiring from the classroom. She enjoys helping younger teachers become master teachers. She’s amazing and should be recognized!
I would like to nominate Ms. Ashley Pacheco from Taunton High School. She just recently took us on an ACIS trip to Spain and it was amazing. She is a Spanish teacher and she inspired me to want to become a Spanish teacher myself. I had her in eighth grade for Spanish I and that was when I found my passion in Spanish. She helped me develop my passion by teaching me things not even in the curriculum. She is so helpful to everyone. I know, even though she is no longer my teacher, I can go to her for anything: a question about Spanish or just to talk (usually in Spanish). She does this for all her students. She makes sure all her students succeed and helps them no matter what. She is not only a teacher, but she is also a student. She is currently working on her masters degree in education. She somehow balances being an awesome teacher with being a successful student. Honestly, she is one of the nicest people I know. She definitely deserves recognition for all her dedication and hard work.
Mrs. Kelly Reynolds. She’s such an amazing person. She made my first semester in high school easy and super fun. She’s an amazing teacher and person. The way she teaches is unique and really effective. Thank you so so much. I can’t wait for the Europe, it’s my dream place to go and I am so excited.