Training Weekend Registration

If you have already registered and would like to add a companion fill out the companion form here.


Fields marked with an * are required
I am an... *

Personal Information

Gender *

Passport Information

Group Leaders traveling to Barcelona must enter their passport information

Issue Date
Expiration Date



Are you booking a connecting flight to your departure city?

Rooming Choice

Standard rooming on Training Weekends consists of two people per room. If you don't select a roommate, one will be assigned.

Please book me in *

Optional Services

ACIS will bill me $50 per person for extending my ticket plus any additional airline fees.

Extra Days

Companion Information (if applicable)

Will you be traveling with companions? * You will be given the option to register them once you click the SUBMIT button below.


Submitting this registration form acknowledges your acceptance of the following:
I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions at the, including the terms of eligibility, companion trip fees and cancellation penalties. I understand that if I cancel my trip one month prior to departure, I will be subject to the penalties listed in the Training Weekend Terms and Conditions.