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Announcing the Winners of our 2016 Teacher Appreciation Week Contest!

May 6, 2016 Marc Amigone No Comments
Category ACIS Community

For the second year in a row, we were floored by the outpouring of love and appreciation students showed for their teachers in response to our call for submissions to our Teacher Appreciation Week Contest. It’s truly heart-warming to read the 75+ comments on our blog and Instagram Posts all giving tribute to their teachers and the impact they’ve had on their lives. It’s impossible to overstate the massive impact teachers have on their students’ lives, and we at ACIS couldn’t be prouder to partner with them.

It was a VERY difficult decision to pick only five winners for this contest, but here they are (we’ll be following up with the winners via email to deliver their rewards):

John Malatesta

Angela S

Annalie Buscarino

All y’all need to know about her. This is Emily Neinast aka 1/2 of @whapthat and other than being absolutely beautiful as shown above, she has been one of my favourite teachers coming to AHS (Document A). She’s the absolute best AP World History teacher all around albeit I might be a bit biased. Maybe an additional document from another student might be helpful. Moving to a different city and to a different school with completely new types of people was absolutely horrendous but she as been one of my most influential teachers as her quirky and fun personality has helped me seek her classroom as one of my few refuges in the school. Whilst also having the best decorated classroom of all of AHS, she’s beautifully maintained this atmosphere of positivity unprecedented in most of my other classrooms which I consider to be one of the greatest things about her considering the fact that she’s been so busy with planning her wedding, organising a Cuba trip with students, sponsoring key club, and a plethora of other things. Despite being so busy, she’s always managed to make time with every individual student she encounters and always makes sure they feel valid. Sadly, in a few weeks Summer will be here which means that not too long from now I’m gonna have to say goodbye to her cutout of Andrew Jackson and her map-covered wall. Thank you Ms. Neinast. Being with you and Ethel this entire year had been a blessing to me and hopefully to every student that ever has to walk into your classroom. #aciscontest #whapthat #praiseethel #teacherappreciationweek

A photo posted by Philippe Papa (@phxlippes) on

Do I know what I would do without this woman? The answer is no. She has been there through the best and the worst, the highs and lows, the extraordinary and mundane. There is a passion within her that nobody can match. Whether we were in the classroom or across the world, there was something to be learned and discovered. She sparked my interest in the world and gave me a desire to expand my knowledge and experience. I’ve been blessed to travel with her not only once, but twice, and I’d travel with her again in a heartbeat. She has given me more than I could ever ask. She is my best friend, my mentor, my rock. All I can say now is: Thank you, Mrs. Swank. πŸ’•πŸŒ P.S. Keep it awkward for the Messiah 😘 #aciscontest #teacherappreciationweek Repost from @kar_rawrrr A photo posted by ACIS Educational Tours (@acistours) on

Every week is teacher appreciation week at ACIS, so don’t wait for an official designation to tell the teachers in your life how much you appreciate them!

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