Tour Manager Spotlight: Meet Chris Greenwood

Get to know our tour managers, well-traveled and fascinating individuals who make your ACIS educational tour truly unique and unforgettable. Today we’re happy to introduce you to Chris Greenwood.
Tell us a little about yourself.
I was born in Durham, England, but have moved all around the world, living in Pakistan, Islamabad and Berlin, Germany. Growing up in an international community instilled the importance and excitement of diversity and sparked the desire to deepen my understanding of other cultures. I studied Modern Languages at the University of Oxford, focusing on German. I love storytelling in all its forms, be it theatre, film, poetry or prose. This has extended into my professional life, as my full-time job is creating new formats for TV shows. I can’t resist the urge to keep on travelling, though!
In your opinion, what makes traveling to a foreign country so special?
It’s the anticipation of the unknown and the excitement of trying something totally new. And loving it.
What is your favorite thing about being a tour manager?
Each tour is unique. You always stumble upon pleasant surprises. Whether you come across a wedding ceremony or jubilant soccer fans, you encounter fantastic little fleeting moments. Hosting game shows on the coach is pretty fun, too. Groups can get seriously competitive when there are prizes to be won.
What’s one thing you wish every student could experience while traveling?
I would advise everyone to walk up to the Marienbrücke (Mary’s Bridge) that provides an awesome vantage point above King Ludwig II’s Neuschwanstein Castle. It’s such a breathtaking view, you feel like you’re in a postcard.
Share with us your best travel tip.
Always keep a pretzel on your person. You never know when you’ll want to eat that pretzel.