Peter Jones on The Tune of Travel

With the passing of Burt Bacharach yesterday (Iconic composer behind hits such as “What the World Needs Now”, “Walk On By”, “I’ll Never Love Again”), I was reminded how lyrics and songs often have deep ties to travel.
We are currently working with a fabulous actor, Amber Minogue who is also a comedian and Paris guide on text and audio for the Louvre: We want to provide students with a customized experience as they explore this legendary museum in the event the ongoing private guide shortage makes an impact. As I thought of the Louvre, I drifted into Cole Porter, Anything Goes, and smiled.
You’re the top!
You’re the Coliseum
You’re the top!
You’re the Louvre Museum
You’re a melody from a symphony by Strauss
You’re a Bendel bonnet
A Shakespeare’s sonnet
You’re Mickey Mouse
You’re the Nile
You’re the Tower of Pisa
You’re the smile on the Mona Lisa….
I then thought how we often are inspired to dream and wish ourselves away. The mantra of Travel Changes Lives hangs in the air all around us here at ACIS. And long before we had ever dreamed of airplanes criss-crossing the world, there were boats and trains and car rides across new continents. The traveler in all of us might read these incredible lyrics and smile. I guess there really is no cure like travel!
…..And there’s no cure like travel
To help you unravel
The worries of living today.
When the poor brain is cracking
There’s nothing like packing
A suitcase and sailing away.
Take a run ’round Vienna,
Granada, Ravenna, Sienna
And then a-’round Rome.
Have as high time, a low time,
And in no time
You’ll be singing “Home, Sweet Home”.
Maybe there is another tune out there that speaks to you of adventure far away. I hope you’ll hum it through the weekend and keep that travel dream going.
See you out there somewhere.
Peter Jones
This is so beautiful, Peter!
Burt’s iconic “Alfie”. My all-time favorite song. 😉
Love this post and your Cole Porter selection🍷Burt Bacharach’s collaborated with Dionne Warwick are some of the best songs ever💞p.s. enjoyed my first trip to Europe last summer with ACIS, La Belle Vie” was unforgettable and great tour guides and an educational itinerary. Tour guide work with eager travellers sounds perfect😍Well done!