Gate 33: Possibly the World’s Best Airport Sushi

I love Minneapolis although I have never truly been to the city. But wow…what a great airport.
Bangkok has one of those “super airports” with lots of shopping and fun things to do inside. There are even massages on every corner of the airport terminal. I had to fly back home through Atlanta which is always tough. The facilities are poor and it is a terrible thing getting through the terminal buildings. Personally I prefer Chicago, given that Atlanta is one of the busiest airports in the world.
Nice surprises awaited me in Narita however. While on my layover there, I went looking for a sushi bar. A kind Delta staff member recommended that I try a great sushi place opposite Gate 33. What a surprise and a revelation – it was the best sushi I have ever had! It also had the best miso soup that I ever have tried and the hot sake was superb too.
All was so good that I doubled my order and they repackaged it to go so I could bring it on my 12 hour journey to Atlanta. Smartest thing I ever did! Now for my hometown of Boston – well Logan is an airport in serious need of help. But enough of airports for a few days, it’s good to be on home soil once more.