A Special Message for Teachers + a Valentine’s Day Giveaway

Teachers. We wouldn’t be an educational travel company without them.
Without teachers who travel, students might never get to experience the world with a group of their own peers. They’d never toss a coin in the Trevi fountain with their best friend by their side. They might never live out the pages of their history textbooks or see the inspiration for Juliet’s balcony. Students would probably never fall silent while walking the beaches of Normandy or pedal past the Gothic Cathedral of Santa Eulàlia with the sun warming their shoulders.
Each and every year, teachers open up the world to countless young people across the United States. We like to say that travel changes lives, but really, it’s TEACHERS who make that change happen.
For all those teachers who have given up more than a little of their free time in order to plan and plot unforgettable tours for their students, we’d like to say: You are so loved. Loved by us, admired by your students.
And for that, all of us at ACIS wanted to say thank you—from the heart.
This video is for you.